Source code for photutils.aperture.stats

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module provides tools for calculating the properties of sources
defined by an Aperture.

import functools
import inspect
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from astropy.nddata import NDData, StdDevUncertainty
from astropy.stats import (SigmaClip, biweight_location, biweight_midvariance,
from astropy.table import QTable
from astropy.utils import lazyproperty
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning

from photutils.aperture import Aperture, SkyAperture
from photutils.utils._misc import _get_meta
from photutils.utils._moments import _moments, _moments_central
from photutils.utils._quantity_helpers import process_quantities

__all__ = ['ApertureStats']

# default table columns for `to_table()` output
DEFAULT_COLUMNS = ['id', 'xcentroid', 'ycentroid', 'sky_centroid',
                   'sum', 'sum_err', 'sum_aper_area', 'center_aper_area',
                   'min', 'max', 'mean', 'median', 'mode', 'std',
                   'mad_std', 'var', 'biweight_location',
                   'biweight_midvariance', 'fwhm', 'semimajor_sigma',
                   'semiminor_sigma', 'orientation', 'eccentricity']

def as_scalar(method):
    Return a scalar value from a method if the class is scalar.

    def _decorator(*args, **kwargs):
        result = method(*args, **kwargs)
            return (result[0] if args[0].isscalar and len(result) == 1
                    else result)
        except TypeError:  # if result has no len
            return result

    return _decorator

[docs] class ApertureStats: """ Class to create a catalog of statistics for pixels within an aperture. Note that this class returns the statistics of the input ``data`` values within the aperture. It does not convert data in surface brightness units to flux or counts. Conversion from surface-brightness units should be performed before using this function. Parameters ---------- data : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`, `~astropy.units.Quantity`, `~astropy.nddata.NDData` The 2D array from which to calculate the source properties. For accurate source properties, ``data`` should be background-subtracted. Non-finite ``data`` values (NaN and inf) are automatically masked. aperture : `~photutils.aperture.Aperture` The aperture to apply to the data. The aperture object may contain more than one position. If ``aperture`` is a `~photutils.aperture.SkyAperture` object, then a WCS must be input using the ``wcs`` keyword. error : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` or `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional The total error array corresponding to the input ``data`` array. ``error`` is assumed to include *all* sources of error, including the Poisson error of the sources (see `~photutils.utils.calc_total_error`) . ``error`` must have the same shape as the input ``data``. If ``data`` is a `~astropy.units.Quantity` array then ``error`` must be a `~astropy.units.Quantity` array (and vice versa) with identical units. Non-finite ``error`` values (NaN and +/- inf) are not automatically masked, unless they are at the same position of non-finite values in the input ``data`` array. Such pixels can be masked using the ``mask`` keyword. mask : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` (bool), optional A boolean mask with the same shape as ``data`` where a `True` value indicates the corresponding element of ``data`` is masked. Masked data are excluded from all calculations. Non-finite values (NaN and inf) in the input ``data`` are automatically masked. wcs : WCS object or `None`, optional A world coordinate system (WCS) transformation that supports the `astropy shared interface for WCS <>`_ (e.g., `astropy.wcs.WCS`, `gwcs.wcs.WCS`). ``wcs`` is required if the input ``aperture`` is a `~photutils.aperture.SkyAperture`. If `None`, then all sky-based properties will be set to `None`. sigma_clip : `None` or `astropy.stats.SigmaClip` instance, optional A `~astropy.stats.SigmaClip` object that defines the sigma clipping parameters. If `None` then no sigma clipping will be performed. sum_method : {'exact', 'center', 'subpixel'}, optional The method used to determine the overlap of the aperture on the pixel grid. This method is used only for calculating the ``sum``, ``sum_error``, ``sum_aper_area``, ``data_sumcutout``, and ``error_sumcutout`` properties. All other properties use the "center" aperture mask method. Not all options are available for all aperture types. The following methods are available: * ``'exact'`` (default): The the exact fractional overlap of the aperture and each pixel is calculated. The aperture weights will contain values between 0 and 1. * ``'center'``: A pixel is considered to be entirely in or out of the aperture depending on whether its center is in or out of the aperture. The aperture weights will contain values only of 0 (out) and 1 (in). * ``'subpixel'``: A pixel is divided into subpixels (see the ``subpixels`` keyword), each of which are considered to be entirely in or out of the aperture depending on whether its center is in or out of the aperture. If ``subpixels=1``, this method is equivalent to ``'center'``. The aperture weights will contain values between 0 and 1. subpixels : int, optional For the ``'subpixel'`` method, resample pixels by this factor in each dimension. That is, each pixel is divided into ``subpixels**2`` subpixels. This keyword is ignored unless ``sum_method='subpixel'``. local_bkg : float, `~numpy.ndarray`, `~astropy.units.Quantity`, or `None` The per-pixel local background values to subtract from the data before performing measurements. If input as an array, the order of ``local_bkg`` values corresponds to the order of the input ``aperture`` positions. ``local_bkg`` must have the same length as the the input ``aperture`` or must be a scalar value, which will be broadcast to all apertures. If `None`, then no local background subtraction is performed. If the input ``data`` has units, then ``local_bkg`` must be a `~astropy.units.Quantity` with the same units. Notes ----- ``data`` should be background-subtracted for accurate source properties. In addition to global background subtraction, local background subtraction can be performed using the ``local_bkg`` keyword values. Most source properties are calculated using the "center" aperture-mask method, which gives aperture weights of 0 or 1. This avoids the need to compute weighted statistics --- the ``data`` pixel values are directly used. The input ``sum_method`` and ``subpixels`` keywords are used to determine the aperture-mask method when calculating the sum-related properties: ``sum``, ``sum_error``, ``sum_aper_area``, ``data_sumcutout``, and ``error_sumcutout``. The default is ``sum_method='exact'``, which produces exact aperture-weighted photometry. .. _SourceExtractor: Examples -------- >>> from photutils.datasets import make_4gaussians_image >>> from photutils.aperture import CircularAperture, ApertureStats >>> data = make_4gaussians_image() >>> aper = CircularAperture((150, 25), 8) >>> aperstats = ApertureStats(data, aper) >>> print(aperstats.xcentroid) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 149.98737072209013 >>> print(aperstats.ycentroid) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 24.99729176183652 >>> print(aperstats.centroid) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP [149.98737072 24.99729176] >>> print(aperstats.mean, aperstats.median, aperstats.std) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 46.861845146453526 33.743501730319 38.25291812758177 >>> print(aperstats.sum) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 9118.129697119366 >>> print(aperstats.sum_aper_area) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 201.0619298297468 pix2 >>> # more than one aperture position >>> aper2 = CircularAperture(((150, 25), (90, 60)), 10) >>> aperstats2 = ApertureStats(data, aper2) >>> print(aperstats2.xcentroid) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP [149.97230436 90.00833613] >>> print(aperstats2.sum) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP [ 9863.56195844 36629.52906175] """ def __init__(self, data, aperture, *, error=None, mask=None, wcs=None, sigma_clip=None, sum_method='exact', subpixels=5, local_bkg=None): if isinstance(data, NDData): data, error, mask, wcs = self._unpack_nddata(data, error, mask, wcs) (data, error, local_bkg), unit = process_quantities( (data, error, local_bkg), ('data', 'error', 'local_bkg')) self._data = self._validate_array(data, 'data', shape=False) self._data_unit = unit self.aperture = self._validate_aperture(aperture) if isinstance(aperture, SkyAperture): if wcs is None: raise ValueError('A wcs is required when using a SkyAperture') self._error = self._validate_array(error, 'error') self._mask = self._validate_array(mask, 'mask') self._wcs = wcs if sigma_clip is not None and not isinstance(sigma_clip, SigmaClip): raise TypeError('sigma_clip must be a SigmaClip instance') self.sigma_clip = sigma_clip self.sum_method = sum_method self.subpixels = subpixels self._local_bkg = np.zeros(self.n_apertures) # no local bkg if local_bkg is not None: local_bkg = np.atleast_1d(local_bkg) if local_bkg.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('local_bkg must be a 1D array') n_local_bkg = len(local_bkg) if n_local_bkg != 1 and n_local_bkg != self.n_apertures: raise ValueError('local_bkg must be scalar or have the same ' 'length as the input aperture') local_bkg = np.broadcast_to(local_bkg, self.n_apertures) if np.any(~np.isfinite(local_bkg)): raise ValueError('local_bkg must not contain any non-finite ' '(e.g., inf or NaN) values') self._local_bkg = local_bkg # always an iterable self._ids = np.arange(self.n_apertures) + 1 self.default_columns = DEFAULT_COLUMNS self.meta = _get_meta() @staticmethod def _unpack_nddata(data, error, mask, wcs): nddata_attr = {'error': error, 'mask': mask, 'wcs': wcs} for key, value in nddata_attr.items(): if value is not None: warnings.warn(f'The {key!r} keyword is be ignored. Its ' 'value is obtained from the input NDData ' 'object.', AstropyUserWarning) mask = data.mask wcs = data.wcs if isinstance(data.uncertainty, StdDevUncertainty): if data.uncertainty.unit is None: error = data.uncertainty.array else: error = data.uncertainty.array * data.uncertainty.unit if data.unit is not None: data = u.Quantity(, unit=data.unit) else: data = return data, error, mask, wcs @staticmethod def _validate_aperture(aperture): if not isinstance(aperture, Aperture): raise TypeError('aperture must be an Aperture object') return aperture def _validate_array(self, array, name, ndim=2, shape=True): if name == 'mask' and array is array = None if array is not None: array = np.asanyarray(array) if array.ndim != ndim: raise ValueError(f'{name} must be a {ndim}D array.') if shape and array.shape != self._data.shape: raise ValueError(f'data and {name} must have the same shape.') return array @property def _lazyproperties(self): """ A list of all class lazyproperties (even in superclasses). """ def islazyproperty(obj): return isinstance(obj, lazyproperty) return [i[0] for i in inspect.getmembers(self.__class__, predicate=islazyproperty)] @property def properties(self): """ A sorted list of built-in source properties. """ lazyproperties = [name for name in self._lazyproperties if not name.startswith('_')] lazyproperties.sort() return lazyproperties def __getitem__(self, index): if self.isscalar: raise TypeError(f'A scalar {self.__class__.__name__!r} object ' 'cannot be indexed') newcls = object.__new__(self.__class__) # attributes defined in __init__ that are copied directly to the # new class init_attr = ('_data', '_data_unit', '_error', '_mask', '_wcs', 'sigma_clip', 'sum_method', 'subpixels', 'default_columns', 'meta') for attr in init_attr: setattr(newcls, attr, getattr(self, attr)) # need to slice _aperture and _ids; # aperture determines isscalar (needed below) attrs = ('aperture', '_ids') for attr in attrs: setattr(newcls, attr, getattr(self, attr)[index]) # slice evaluated lazyproperty objects keys = set(self.__dict__.keys()) & set(self._lazyproperties) keys.add('_local_bkg') # iterable defined in __init__ for key in keys: value = self.__dict__[key] # do not insert attributes that are always scalar (e.g., # isscalar, n_apertures), i.e., not an array/list for each # source if np.isscalar(value): continue try: # keep most _<attrs> as length-1 iterables if (newcls.isscalar and key.startswith('_') and key != '_pixel_aperture'): if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): val = value[:, np.newaxis][index] else: val = [value[index]] else: val = value[index] except TypeError: # apply fancy indices (e.g., array/list or bool # mask) to lists # see # #arraylike-objects-which-do-not-define-len-and-getitem arr = np.empty(len(value), dtype=object) arr[:] = list(value) val = arr[index].tolist() newcls.__dict__[key] = val return newcls def __str__(self): cls_name = f'<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__}>' with np.printoptions(threshold=25, edgeitems=5): fmt = [f'Length: {self.n_apertures}'] return f'{cls_name}\n' + '\n'.join(fmt) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __len__(self): if self.isscalar: raise TypeError(f'Scalar {self.__class__.__name__!r} object has ' 'no len()') return self.n_apertures def __iter__(self): for item in range(len(self)): yield self.__getitem__(item) @lazyproperty def isscalar(self): """ Whether the instance is scalar (e.g., a single aperture position). """ return self._pixel_aperture.isscalar
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return a deep copy of this object. """ return deepcopy(self)
@lazyproperty def _null_object(self): """ Return `None` values. """ return np.array([None] * self.n_apertures) @lazyproperty def _null_value(self): """ Return np.nan values. """ values = np.empty(self.n_apertures) values.fill(np.nan) return values @property @as_scalar def id(self): """ The aperture identification number(s). """ return self._ids @property def ids(self): """ The aperture identification number(s), always as an iterable `~numpy.ndarray`. """ _ids = self._ids if self.isscalar: _ids = np.array((_ids,)) return _ids
[docs] def get_id(self, id_num): """ Return a new `ApertureStats` object for the input ID number only. Parameters ---------- id_num : int The aperture ID number. Returns ------- result : `ApertureStats` A new `ApertureStats` object containing only the source with the input ID number. """ return self.get_ids(id_num)
[docs] def get_ids(self, id_nums): """ Return a new `ApertureStats` object for the input ID numbers only. Parameters ---------- id_nums : list, tuple, or `~numpy.ndarray` of int The aperture ID number(s). Returns ------- result : `ApertureStats` A new `ApertureStats` object containing only the sources with the input ID numbers. """ for id_num in np.atleast_1d(id_nums): if id_num not in self.ids: raise ValueError(f'{id_num} is not a valid source ID number') sorter = np.argsort( indices = sorter[np.searchsorted(, id_nums, sorter=sorter)] return self[indices]
[docs] def to_table(self, columns=None): """ Create a `~astropy.table.QTable` of source properties. Parameters ---------- columns : str, list of str, `None`, optional Names of columns, in order, to include in the output `~astropy.table.QTable`. The allowed column names are any of the `ApertureStats` properties. If ``columns`` is `None`, then a default list of scalar-valued properties (as defined by the ``default_columns`` attribute) will be used. Returns ------- table : `~astropy.table.QTable` A table of sources properties with one row per source. """ if columns is None: table_columns = self.default_columns else: table_columns = np.atleast_1d(columns) tbl = QTable() tbl.meta.update(self.meta) # keep tbl.meta type for column in table_columns: values = getattr(self, column) # column assignment requires an object with a length if self.isscalar: values = (values,) tbl[column] = values return tbl
@lazyproperty def n_apertures(self): """ The number of positions in the input aperture. """ if self.isscalar: return 1 return len(self._pixel_aperture) @lazyproperty def _pixel_aperture(self): """ The input aperture as a PixelAperture. """ if isinstance(self.aperture, SkyAperture): return self.aperture.to_pixel(self._wcs) return self.aperture @lazyproperty def _aperture_masks_center(self): """ The aperture masks (`ApertureMask`) generated with the 'center' method, always as an iterable. """ aperture_masks = self._pixel_aperture.to_mask(method='center') if self.isscalar: aperture_masks = (aperture_masks,) return aperture_masks @lazyproperty def _aperture_masks(self): """ The aperture masks (`ApertureMask`) generated with the ``sum_method`` method, always as an iterable. """ aperture_masks = self._pixel_aperture.to_mask(method=self.sum_method, subpixels=self.subpixels) if self.isscalar: aperture_masks = (aperture_masks,) return aperture_masks @lazyproperty def _overlap_slices(self): """ The aperture mask overlap slices with the data, always as an iterable. The overlap slices are the same for all aperture mask methods. """ overlap_slices = [] for apermask in self._aperture_masks_center: (slc_large, slc_small) = apermask.get_overlap_slices( self._data.shape) overlap_slices.append((slc_large, slc_small)) return overlap_slices @lazyproperty def _data_cutouts(self): """ The local-background-subtracted unmasked data cutouts using the aperture bounding box, always as a iterable. """ cutouts = [] for (slices, local_bkg) in zip(self._overlap_slices, self._local_bkg): if slices[0] is None: cutout = None # no aperture overlap with the data else: # copy is needed to preserve input data because masks are # applied to these cutouts later cutout = (self._data[slices[0]].astype(float, copy=True) - local_bkg) cutouts.append(cutout) return cutouts def _make_aperture_cutouts(self, aperture_masks): """ Make aperture-weighted cutouts for the data and variance, and cutouts for the total mask and aperture mask weights. Parameters ---------- aperture_masks : list of `ApertureMask` A list of `ApertureMask` objects. Returns ------- data, variance, mask, weights : list of `~numpy.ndarray` A list of cutout arrays for the data, variance, mask and weight arrays for each source (aperture position). """ data_cutouts = [] variance_cutouts = [] mask_cutouts = [] weight_cutouts = [] overlaps = [] for (data_cutout, apermask, slices) in zip( self._data_cutouts, aperture_masks, self._overlap_slices): slc_large, slc_small = slices if slc_large is None: # aperture does not overlap the data overlap = False data_cutout = np.array([np.nan]) variance_cutout = np.array([np.nan]) mask_cutout = np.array([False]) weight_cutout = np.array([np.nan]) else: # create a mask of non-finite ``data`` values combined # with the input ``mask`` array. data_mask = ~np.isfinite(data_cutout) if self._mask is not None: data_mask |= self._mask[slc_large] overlap = True aperweight_cutout =[slc_small] weight_cutout = aperweight_cutout * ~data_mask # apply the aperture mask; for "exact" and "subpixel" # this is an expanded boolean mask using the aperture # mask zero values mask_cutout = (aperweight_cutout == 0) | data_mask data_cutout = data_cutout.copy() if self.sigma_clip is None: # data_cutout will have zeros where mask_cutout is True data_cutout *= ~mask_cutout else: # to input a mask, SigmaClip needs a MaskedArray data_cutout_ma =, mask=mask_cutout) data_sigclip = self.sigma_clip(data_cutout_ma) # define a mask of only the sigma-clipped pixels sigclip_mask = data_sigclip.mask & ~mask_cutout weight_cutout *= ~sigclip_mask mask_cutout = data_sigclip.mask data_cutout = data_sigclip.filled(0.0) # need to apply the aperture weights data_cutout *= aperweight_cutout if self._error is None: variance_cutout = None else: # apply the exact weights and total mask; # error_cutout will have zeros where mask_cutout is True variance = self._error[slc_large]**2 variance_cutout = (variance * aperweight_cutout * ~mask_cutout) data_cutouts.append(data_cutout) variance_cutouts.append(variance_cutout) mask_cutouts.append(mask_cutout) weight_cutouts.append(weight_cutout) overlaps.append(overlap) # use zip (instead of np.transpose) because these may contain # arrays that have different shapes return list(zip(data_cutouts, variance_cutouts, mask_cutouts, weight_cutouts, overlaps)) @lazyproperty def _aperture_cutouts_center(self): """ Aperture-weighted cutouts for the data, variance, total mask, and aperture weights using the "center" aperture mask method. """ return self._make_aperture_cutouts(self._aperture_masks_center) @lazyproperty def _aperture_cutouts(self): """ Aperture-weighted cutouts for the data, variance, total mask, and aperture weights using the input ``sum_method`` aperture mask method. """ return self._make_aperture_cutouts(self._aperture_masks) @lazyproperty def _mask_cutout_center(self): """ Boolean mask cutouts representing the total mask. The total mask is combination of the input ``mask``, non-finite ``data`` values, the cutout aperture mask using the "center" method, and the sigma-clip mask. """ return list(zip(*self._aperture_cutouts_center))[2] @lazyproperty def _mask_cutout(self): """ Boolean mask cutouts representing the total mask. The total mask is combination of the input ``mask``, non-finite ``data`` values, the cutout aperture mask using the ``sum_method`` method, and the sigma-clip mask. """ return list(zip(*self._aperture_cutouts))[2] def _make_masked_array_center(self, array): """ Return a list of cutout masked arrays using the ``_mask_cutout`` mask. Units are not applied. """ return [, mask=mask) for arr, mask in zip(array, self._mask_cutout_center)] def _make_masked_array(self, array): """ Return a list of cutout masked arrays using the ``_mask_sumcutout`` mask. Units are not applied. """ return [, mask=mask) for arr, mask in zip(array, self._mask_cutout)] @lazyproperty @as_scalar def data_cutout(self): """ A 2D aperture-weighted cutout from the data using the aperture mask with the "center" method as a ``. The cutout does not have units due to current limitations of masked quantity arrays. The mask is `True` for pixels from the input ``mask``, non-finite ``data`` values (NaN and inf), sigma-clipped pixels within the aperture, and pixels where the aperture mask has zero weight. """ return self._make_masked_array_center( list(zip(*self._aperture_cutouts_center))[0]) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def data_sumcutout(self): """ A 2D aperture-weighted cutout from the data using the aperture mask with the input ``sum_method`` method as a ``. The cutout does not have units due to current limitations of masked quantity arrays. The mask is `True` for pixels from the input ``mask``, non-finite ``data`` values (NaN and inf), sigma-clipped pixels within the aperture, and pixels where the aperture mask has zero weight. """ return self._make_masked_array(list(zip(*self._aperture_cutouts))[0]) @lazyproperty def _variance_cutout_center(self): """ A 2D aperture-weighted variance cutout using the aperture mask with the input "center" method as a ``. The cutout does not have units due to current limitations of masked quantity arrays. The mask is `True` for pixels from the input ``mask``, non-finite ``data`` values (NaN and inf), sigma-clipped pixels within the aperture, and pixels where the aperture mask has zero weight. """ if self._error is None: return self._null_object return self._make_masked_array_center( list(zip(*self._aperture_cutouts_center))[1]) @lazyproperty def _variance_cutout(self): """ A 2D aperture-weighted variance cutout using the aperture mask with the input ``sum_method`` method as a ``. The cutout does not have units due to current limitations of masked quantity arrays. The mask is `True` for pixels from the input ``mask``, non-finite ``data`` values (NaN and inf), sigma-clipped pixels within the aperture, and pixels where the aperture mask has zero weight. """ if self._error is None: return self._null_object return self._make_masked_array(list(zip(*self._aperture_cutouts))[1]) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def error_sumcutout(self): """ A 2D aperture-weighted error cutout using the aperture mask with the input ``sum_method`` method as a ``. The cutout does not have units due to current limitations of masked quantity arrays. The mask is `True` for pixels from the input ``mask``, non-finite ``data`` values (NaN and inf), sigma-clipped pixels within the aperture, and pixels where the aperture mask has zero weight. """ if self._error is None: return self._null_object return [np.sqrt(var) for var in self._variance_cutout] @lazyproperty def _weight_cutout_center(self): """ A 2D `` cutout from the aperture mask weights array using the aperture bounding box. The aperture mask weights are for the "center" method. The mask is `True` for pixels outside of the aperture mask, pixels from the input ``mask``, non-finite ``data`` values (NaN and inf), and sigma-clipped pixels. """ return self._make_masked_array_center( list(zip(*self._aperture_cutouts_center))[3]) @lazyproperty def _weight_cutout(self): """ A 2D `` cutout from the aperture mask weights array using the aperture bounding box. The aperture mask weights are for the ``sum_method`` method. The mask is `True` for pixels outside of the aperture mask, pixels from the input ``mask``, non-finite ``data`` values (NaN and inf), and sigma-clipped pixels. """ return self._make_masked_array(list(zip(*self._aperture_cutouts))[3]) @lazyproperty def _moment_data_cutout(self): """ A list of 2D `~numpy.ndarray` cutouts from the data. Masked pixels are set to zero in these arrays (zeros do not contribute to the image moments). The aperture mask weights are for the "center" method. These arrays are used to derive moment-based properties. """ data = deepcopy(self.data_cutout) # self.data_cutout is a list if self.isscalar: data = (data,) cutouts = [] for arr in data: if arr.size == 1 and np.isnan(arr[0]): # no aperture overlap arr_ = np.empty((2, 2)) arr_.fill(np.nan) else: arr_ = arr_[arr.mask] = 0.0 cutouts.append(arr_) return cutouts @lazyproperty def _all_masked(self): """ True if all pixels within the aperture are masked. """ return np.array([np.all(mask) for mask in self._mask_cutout_center]) @lazyproperty def _overlap(self): """ True if there is no overlap of the aperture with the data. """ return list(zip(*self._aperture_cutouts_center))[4] def _get_values(self, array): """ Get a 1D array of unmasked aperture-weighted values from the input array. An array with a single NaN is returned for completely-masked sources. """ if self.isscalar: array = (array,) return [arr.compressed() if len(arr.compressed()) > 0 else np.array([np.nan]) for arr in array] @lazyproperty def _data_values_center(self): """ A 1D array of unmasked aperture-weighted data values using the "center" method. An array with a single NaN is returned for completely-masked sources. """ return self._get_values(self.data_cutout) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def moments(self): """ Spatial moments up to 3rd order of the source. """ return np.array([_moments(arr, order=3) for arr in self._moment_data_cutout]) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def moments_central(self): """ Central moments (translation invariant) of the source up to 3rd order. """ cutout_centroid = self.cutout_centroid if self.isscalar: cutout_centroid = cutout_centroid[np.newaxis, :] return np.array([_moments_central(arr, center=(xcen_, ycen_), order=3) for arr, xcen_, ycen_ in zip(self._moment_data_cutout, cutout_centroid[:, 0], cutout_centroid[:, 1])]) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def cutout_centroid(self): """ The ``(x, y)`` coordinate, relative to the cutout data, of the centroid within the aperture. The centroid is computed as the center of mass of the unmasked pixels within the aperture. """ moments = self.moments if self.isscalar: moments = moments[np.newaxis, :] # ignore divide-by-zero RuntimeWarning with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) ycentroid = moments[:, 1, 0] / moments[:, 0, 0] xcentroid = moments[:, 0, 1] / moments[:, 0, 0] return np.transpose((xcentroid, ycentroid)) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def centroid(self): """ The ``(x, y)`` coordinate of the centroid. The centroid is computed as the center of mass of the unmasked pixels within the aperture. """ origin = np.transpose((self.bbox_xmin, self.bbox_ymin)) return self.cutout_centroid + origin @lazyproperty def _xcentroid(self): """ The ``x`` coordinate of the centroid, always as an iterable. """ xcentroid = np.transpose(self.centroid)[0] if self.isscalar: xcentroid = (xcentroid,) return xcentroid @lazyproperty @as_scalar def xcentroid(self): """ The ``x`` coordinate of the centroid. The centroid is computed as the center of mass of the unmasked pixels within the aperture. """ return self._xcentroid @lazyproperty def _ycentroid(self): """ The ``y`` coordinate of the centroid, always as an iterable. """ ycentroid = np.transpose(self.centroid)[1] if self.isscalar: ycentroid = (ycentroid,) return ycentroid @lazyproperty @as_scalar def ycentroid(self): """ The ``y`` coordinate of the centroid. The centroid is computed as the center of mass of the unmasked pixels within the aperture. """ return self._ycentroid @lazyproperty @as_scalar def sky_centroid(self): """ The sky coordinate of the centroid of the unmasked pixels within the aperture, returned as a `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` object. The output coordinate frame is the same as the input ``wcs``. `None` if ``wcs`` is not input. """ if self._wcs is None: return self._null_object return self._wcs.pixel_to_world(self.xcentroid, self.ycentroid) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def sky_centroid_icrs(self): """ The sky coordinate in the International Celestial Reference System (ICRS) frame of the centroid of the unmasked pixels within the aperture, returned as a `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` object. `None` if ``wcs`` is not input. """ if self._wcs is None: return self._null_object return self.sky_centroid.icrs @lazyproperty def _bbox(self): """ The `~photutils.aperture.BoundingBox` of the aperture, always as an iterable. """ apertures = self._pixel_aperture if self.isscalar: apertures = (apertures,) return [aperture.bbox for aperture in apertures] @lazyproperty @as_scalar def bbox(self): """ The `~photutils.aperture.BoundingBox` of the aperture. Note that the aperture bounding box is calculated using the exact size of the aperture, which may be slightly larger than the aperture mask calculated using the "center" mode. """ return self._bbox @lazyproperty @as_scalar def _bbox_bounds(self): """ The bounding box x/y minimum and maximum bounds. """ bbox = self.bbox if self.isscalar: bbox = (bbox,) return np.array([(bbox_.ixmin, bbox_.ixmax - 1, bbox_.iymin, bbox_.iymax - 1) for bbox_ in bbox]) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def bbox_xmin(self): """ The minimum ``x`` pixel index of the bounding box. """ return np.transpose(self._bbox_bounds)[0] @lazyproperty @as_scalar def bbox_xmax(self): """ The maximum ``x`` pixel index of the bounding box. Note that this value is inclusive, unlike numpy slice indices. """ return np.transpose(self._bbox_bounds)[1] @lazyproperty @as_scalar def bbox_ymin(self): """ The minimum ``y`` pixel index of the bounding box. """ return np.transpose(self._bbox_bounds)[2] @lazyproperty @as_scalar def bbox_ymax(self): """ The maximum ``y`` pixel index of the bounding box. Note that this value is inclusive, unlike numpy slice indices. """ return np.transpose(self._bbox_bounds)[3] def _calculate_stats(self, stat_func, unit=None): """ Apply the input ``stat_func`` to the 1D array of unmasked data values in the aperture. Units are applied if the input ``data`` has units. Parameters ---------- stat_func : callable The callable to apply to the 1D `~numpy.ndarray` of unmasked data values. unit : `None` or `astropy.unit.Unit`, optional The unit to apply to the output data. This is used only if the input ``data`` has units. If `None` then the input ``data`` unit will be used. """ result = np.array([stat_func(arr) for arr in self._data_values_center]) if unit is None: unit = self._data_unit if unit is not None: result <<= unit return result @lazyproperty @as_scalar def center_aper_area(self): """ The total area of the unmasked pixels within the aperture using the "center" aperture mask method. """ areas = np.array([np.sum(weight.filled(0.0)) for weight in self._weight_cutout_center]) areas[self._all_masked] = np.nan return areas << (u.pix**2) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def sum_aper_area(self): """ The total area of the unmasked pixels within the aperture using the input ``sum_method`` aperture mask method. """ areas = np.array([np.sum(weight.filled(0.0)) for weight in self._weight_cutout]) areas[self._all_masked] = np.nan return areas << (u.pix**2) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def sum(self): r""" The sum of the unmasked ``data`` values within the aperture. .. math:: F = \sum_{i \in A} I_i where :math:`F` is ``sum``, :math:`I_i` is the background-subtracted ``data``, and :math:`A` are the unmasked pixels in the aperture. Non-finite pixel values (NaN and inf) are excluded (automatically masked). """ if self.sum_method == 'center': return self._calculate_stats(np.sum) data_values = self._get_values(self.data_sumcutout) result = np.array([np.sum(arr) for arr in data_values]) if self._data_unit is not None: result <<= self._data_unit return result @lazyproperty @as_scalar def sum_err(self): r""" The uncertainty of `sum` , propagated from the input ``error`` array. ``sum_err`` is the quadrature sum of the total errors over the unmasked pixels within the aperture: .. math:: \Delta F = \sqrt{\sum_{i \in A} \sigma_{\mathrm{tot}, i}^2} where :math:`\Delta F` is the `sum`, :math:`\sigma_{\mathrm{tot, i}}` are the pixel-wise total errors (``error``), and :math:`A` are the unmasked pixels in the aperture. Pixel values that are masked in the input ``data``, including any non-finite pixel values (NaN and inf) that are automatically masked, are also masked in the error array. """ if self._error is None: err = self._null_value else: if self.sum_method == 'center': variance = self._variance_cutout_center else: variance = self._variance_cutout var_values = [arr.compressed() if len(arr.compressed()) > 0 else np.array([np.nan]) for arr in variance] err = np.sqrt([np.sum(arr) for arr in var_values]) if self._data_unit is not None: err <<= self._data_unit return err @lazyproperty @as_scalar def min(self): """ The minimum of the unmasked pixel values within the aperture. """ return self._calculate_stats(np.min) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def max(self): """ The maximum of the unmasked pixel values within the aperture. """ return self._calculate_stats(np.max) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def mean(self): """ The mean of the unmasked pixel values within the aperture. """ return self._calculate_stats(np.mean) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def median(self): """ The median of the unmasked pixel values within the aperture. """ return self._calculate_stats(np.median) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def mode(self): """ The mode of the unmasked pixel values within the aperture. The mode is estimated as ``(3 * median) - (2 * mean)``. """ return 3.0 * self.median - 2.0 * self.mean @lazyproperty @as_scalar def std(self): """ The standard deviation of the unmasked pixel values within the aperture. """ return self._calculate_stats(np.std) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def mad_std(self): r""" The standard deviation calculated using the `median absolute deviation (MAD) <>`_. The standard deviation estimator is given by: .. math:: \sigma \approx \frac{\textrm{MAD}}{\Phi^{-1}(3/4)} \approx 1.4826 \ \textrm{MAD} where :math:`\Phi^{-1}(P)` is the normal inverse cumulative distribution function evaluated at probability :math:`P = 3/4`. """ return self._calculate_stats(mad_std) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def var(self): """ The variance of the unmasked pixel values within the aperture. """ unit = self._data_unit if unit is not None: unit **= 2 return self._calculate_stats(np.var, unit=unit) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def biweight_location(self): """ The biweight location of the unmasked pixel values within the aperture. See `astropy.stats.biweight_location`. """ return self._calculate_stats(biweight_location) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def biweight_midvariance(self): """ The biweight midvariance of the unmasked pixel values within the aperture. See `astropy.stats.biweight_midvariance` """ unit = self._data_unit if unit is not None: unit **= 2 return self._calculate_stats(biweight_midvariance, unit=unit) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def inertia_tensor(self): """ The inertia tensor of the source for the rotation around its center of mass. """ moments = self.moments_central if self.isscalar: moments = moments[np.newaxis, :] mu_02 = moments[:, 0, 2] mu_11 = -moments[:, 1, 1] mu_20 = moments[:, 2, 0] tensor = np.array([mu_02, mu_11, mu_11, mu_20]).swapaxes(0, 1) return tensor.reshape((tensor.shape[0], 2, 2)) * u.pix**2 @lazyproperty def _covariance(self): """ The covariance matrix of the 2D Gaussian function that has the same second-order moments as the source, always as an iterable. """ moments = self.moments_central if self.isscalar: moments = moments[np.newaxis, :] # ignore divide-by-zero RuntimeWarning with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) mu_norm = moments / moments[:, 0, 0][:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] covar = np.array([mu_norm[:, 0, 2], mu_norm[:, 1, 1], mu_norm[:, 1, 1], mu_norm[:, 2, 0]]).swapaxes(0, 1) covar = covar.reshape((covar.shape[0], 2, 2)) # Modify the covariance matrix in the case of "infinitely" thin # detections. This follows SourceExtractor's prescription of # incrementally increasing the diagonal elements by 1/12. delta = 1.0 / 12 delta2 = delta**2 # ignore RuntimeWarning from NaN values in covar with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) covar_det = np.linalg.det(covar) idx = np.where(covar_det < delta2)[0] while idx.size > 0: # pragma: no cover covar[idx, 0, 0] += delta covar[idx, 1, 1] += delta covar_det = np.linalg.det(covar) idx = np.where(covar_det < delta2)[0] return covar @lazyproperty @as_scalar def covariance(self): """ The covariance matrix of the 2D Gaussian function that has the same second-order moments as the source. """ return self._covariance * (u.pix**2) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def covariance_eigvals(self): """ The two eigenvalues of the `covariance` matrix in decreasing order. """ eigvals = np.empty((self.n_apertures, 2)) eigvals.fill(np.nan) # np.linalg.eivals requires finite input values idx = np.unique(np.where(np.isfinite(self._covariance))[0]) eigvals[idx] = np.linalg.eigvals(self._covariance[idx]) # check for negative variance # (just in case covariance matrix is not positive (semi)definite) idx2 = np.unique(np.where(eigvals < 0)[0]) # pragma: no cover eigvals[idx2] = (np.nan, np.nan) # pragma: no cover # sort each eigenvalue pair in descending order eigvals.sort(axis=1) eigvals = np.fliplr(eigvals) return eigvals * u.pix**2 @lazyproperty @as_scalar def semimajor_sigma(self): """ The 1-sigma standard deviation along the semimajor axis of the 2D Gaussian function that has the same second-order central moments as the source. """ eigvals = self.covariance_eigvals if self.isscalar: eigvals = eigvals[np.newaxis, :] # this matches SourceExtractor's A parameter return np.sqrt(eigvals[:, 0]) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def semiminor_sigma(self): """ The 1-sigma standard deviation along the semiminor axis of the 2D Gaussian function that has the same second-order central moments as the source. """ eigvals = self.covariance_eigvals if self.isscalar: eigvals = eigvals[np.newaxis, :] # this matches SourceExtractor's B parameter return np.sqrt(eigvals[:, 1]) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def fwhm(self): r""" The circularized full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the 2D Gaussian function that has the same second-order central moments as the source. .. math:: \mathrm{FWHM} & = 2 \sqrt{2 \ln(2)} \sqrt{0.5 (a^2 + b^2)} \\ & = 2 \sqrt{\ln(2) \ (a^2 + b^2)} where :math:`a` and :math:`b` are the 1-sigma lengths of the semimajor (`semimajor_sigma`) and semiminor (`semiminor_sigma`) axes, respectively. """ return 2.0 * np.sqrt(np.log(2.0) * (self.semimajor_sigma**2 + self.semiminor_sigma**2)) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def orientation(self): """ The angle between the ``x`` axis and the major axis of the 2D Gaussian function that has the same second-order moments as the source. The angle increases in the counter-clockwise direction. """ covar = self._covariance orient_radians = 0.5 * np.arctan2(2.0 * covar[:, 0, 1], (covar[:, 0, 0] - covar[:, 1, 1])) return orient_radians * 180.0 / np.pi * u.deg @lazyproperty @as_scalar def eccentricity(self): r""" The eccentricity of the 2D Gaussian function that has the same second-order moments as the source. The eccentricity is the fraction of the distance along the semimajor axis at which the focus lies. .. math:: e = \sqrt{1 - \frac{b^2}{a^2}} where :math:`a` and :math:`b` are the lengths of the semimajor and semiminor axes, respectively. """ semimajor_var, semiminor_var = np.transpose(self.covariance_eigvals) return np.sqrt(1.0 - (semiminor_var / semimajor_var)) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def elongation(self): r""" The ratio of the lengths of the semimajor and semiminor axes. .. math:: \mathrm{elongation} = \frac{a}{b} where :math:`a` and :math:`b` are the lengths of the semimajor and semiminor axes, respectively. """ return self.semimajor_sigma / self.semiminor_sigma @lazyproperty @as_scalar def ellipticity(self): r""" 1.0 minus the ratio of the lengths of the semimajor and semiminor axes (or 1.0 minus the `elongation`). .. math:: \mathrm{ellipticity} = 1 - \frac{b}{a} where :math:`a` and :math:`b` are the lengths of the semimajor and semiminor axes, respectively. """ return 1.0 - (self.semiminor_sigma / self.semimajor_sigma) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def covar_sigx2(self): r""" The ``(0, 0)`` element of the `covariance` matrix, representing :math:`\sigma_x^2`, in units of pixel**2. """ return self._covariance[:, 0, 0] * u.pix**2 @lazyproperty @as_scalar def covar_sigy2(self): r""" The ``(1, 1)`` element of the `covariance` matrix, representing :math:`\sigma_y^2`, in units of pixel**2. """ return self._covariance[:, 1, 1] * u.pix**2 @lazyproperty @as_scalar def covar_sigxy(self): r""" The ``(0, 1)`` and ``(1, 0)`` elements of the `covariance` matrix, representing :math:`\sigma_x \sigma_y`, in units of pixel**2. """ return self._covariance[:, 0, 1] * u.pix**2 @lazyproperty @as_scalar def cxx(self): r""" `SourceExtractor`_'s CXX ellipse parameter in units of pixel**(-2). The ellipse is defined as .. math:: cxx (x - \bar{x})^2 + cxy (x - \bar{x}) (y - \bar{y}) + cyy (y - \bar{y})^2 = R^2 where :math:`R` is a parameter which scales the ellipse (in units of the axes lengths). `SourceExtractor`_ reports that the isophotal limit of a source is well represented by :math:`R \approx 3`. """ return ((np.cos(self.orientation) / self.semimajor_sigma)**2 + (np.sin(self.orientation) / self.semiminor_sigma)**2) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def cyy(self): r""" `SourceExtractor`_'s CYY ellipse parameter in units of pixel**(-2). The ellipse is defined as .. math:: cxx (x - \bar{x})^2 + cxy (x - \bar{x}) (y - \bar{y}) + cyy (y - \bar{y})^2 = R^2 where :math:`R` is a parameter which scales the ellipse (in units of the axes lengths). `SourceExtractor`_ reports that the isophotal limit of a source is well represented by :math:`R \approx 3`. """ return ((np.sin(self.orientation) / self.semimajor_sigma)**2 + (np.cos(self.orientation) / self.semiminor_sigma)**2) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def cxy(self): r""" `SourceExtractor`_'s CXY ellipse parameter in units of pixel**(-2). The ellipse is defined as .. math:: cxx (x - \bar{x})^2 + cxy (x - \bar{x}) (y - \bar{y}) + cyy (y - \bar{y})^2 = R^2 where :math:`R` is a parameter which scales the ellipse (in units of the axes lengths). `SourceExtractor`_ reports that the isophotal limit of a source is well represented by :math:`R \approx 3`. """ return (2.0 * np.cos(self.orientation) * np.sin(self.orientation) * ((1.0 / self.semimajor_sigma**2) - (1.0 / self.semiminor_sigma**2))) @lazyproperty @as_scalar def gini(self): r""" The `Gini coefficient <>`_ of the unmasked pixel values within the aperture. The Gini coefficient is calculated using the prescription from `Lotz et al. 2004 <>`_ as: .. math:: G = \frac{1}{\left | \bar{x} \right | n (n - 1)} \sum^{n}_{i} (2i - n - 1) \left | x_i \right | where :math:`\bar{x}` is the mean over pixel values :math:`x_i` within the aperture. The Gini coefficient is a way of measuring the inequality in a given set of values. In the context of galaxy morphology, it measures how the light of a galaxy image is distributed among its pixels. A Gini coefficient value of 0 corresponds to a galaxy image with the light evenly distributed over all pixels while a Gini coefficient value of 1 represents a galaxy image with all its light concentrated in just one pixel. """ gini = [] for arr in self._data_values_center: if np.all(np.isnan(arr)): gini.append(np.nan) continue npix = np.size(arr) normalization = np.abs(np.mean(arr)) * npix * (npix - 1) kernel = ((2.0 * np.arange(1, npix + 1) - npix - 1) * np.abs(np.sort(arr))) gini.append(np.sum(kernel) / normalization) return np.array(gini)