Source code for photutils.background.background_2d

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module defines classes to estimate the 2D background and background
RMS in an image.

import warnings

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from astropy.nddata import NDData
from astropy.stats import SigmaClip
from astropy.utils import lazyproperty
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning

from photutils.aperture import RectangularAperture
from photutils.background.core import SExtractorBackground, StdBackgroundRMS
from photutils.background.interpolators import BkgZoomInterpolator
from photutils.utils import ShepardIDWInterpolator
from photutils.utils._parameters import as_pair
from photutils.utils._repr import make_repr
from photutils.utils._stats import nanmedian

__all__ = ['Background2D']

__doctest_requires__ = {('Background2D'): ['scipy']}

[docs] class Background2D: """ Class to estimate a 2D background and background RMS noise in an image. The background is estimated using (sigma-clipped) statistics in each box of a grid that covers the input ``data`` to create a low-resolution, and possibly irregularly-gridded, background map. The final background map is calculated by interpolating the low-resolution background map. Invalid data values (i.e., NaN or inf) are automatically masked. Parameters ---------- data : array_like or `~astropy.nddata.NDData` The 2D array from which to estimate the background and/or background RMS map. box_size : int or array_like (int) The box size along each axis. If ``box_size`` is a scalar then a square box of size ``box_size`` will be used. If ``box_size`` has two elements, they must be in ``(ny, nx)`` order. For best results, the box shape should be chosen such that the ``data`` are covered by an integer number of boxes in both dimensions. When this is not the case, see the ``edge_method`` keyword for more options. mask : array_like (bool), optional A boolean mask, with the same shape as ``data``, where a `True` value indicates the corresponding element of ``data`` is masked. Masked data are excluded from calculations. ``mask`` is intended to mask sources or bad pixels. Use ``coverage_mask`` to mask blank areas of an image. ``mask`` and ``coverage_mask`` differ only in that ``coverage_mask`` is applied to the output background and background RMS maps (see ``fill_value``). coverage_mask : array_like (bool), optional A boolean mask, with the same shape as ``data``, where a `True` value indicates the corresponding element of ``data`` is masked. ``coverage_mask`` should be `True` where there is no coverage (i.e., no data) for a given pixel (e.g., blank areas in a mosaic image). It should not be used for bad pixels (in that case use ``mask`` instead). ``mask`` and ``coverage_mask`` differ only in that ``coverage_mask`` is applied to the output background and background RMS maps (see ``fill_value``). fill_value : float, optional The value used to fill the output background and background RMS maps where the input ``coverage_mask`` is `True`. exclude_percentile : float in the range of [0, 100], optional The percentage of masked pixels in a box, used as a threshold for determining if the box is excluded. If a box has more than ``exclude_percentile`` percent of its pixels masked then it will be excluded from the low-resolution map. Masked pixels include those from the input ``mask`` and ``coverage_mask``, those resulting from the data padding (i.e., if ``edge_method='pad'``), and those resulting from sigma clipping (if ``sigma_clip`` is used). Setting ``exclude_percentile=0`` will exclude boxes that have any masked pixels. Note that completely masked boxes are always excluded. For best results, ``exclude_percentile`` should be kept as low as possible (as long as there are sufficient pixels for reasonable statistical estimates). The default is 10.0. filter_size : int or array_like (int), optional The window size of the 2D median filter to apply to the low-resolution background map. If ``filter_size`` is a scalar then a square box of size ``filter_size`` will be used. If ``filter_size`` has two elements, they must be in ``(ny, nx)`` order. ``filter_size`` must be odd along both axes. A filter size of ``1`` (or ``(1, 1)``) means no filtering. filter_threshold : int, optional The threshold value for used for selective median filtering of the low-resolution 2D background map. The median filter will be applied to only the background boxes with values larger than ``filter_threshold``. Set to `None` to filter all boxes (default). edge_method : {'pad', 'crop'}, optional The method used to determine how to handle the case where the image size is not an integer multiple of the ``box_size`` in either dimension. Both options will resize the image for internal calculations to give an exact multiple of ``box_size`` in both dimensions. * ``'pad'``: pad the image along the top and/or right edges. This is the default and recommended method. Ideally, the ``box_size`` should be chosen such that an integer number of boxes is only slightly larger than the ``data`` size to minimize the amount of padding. * ``'crop'``: crop the image along the top and/or right edges. This method should be used sparingly. Best results will occur when ``box_size`` is chosen such that an integer number of boxes is only slightly smaller than the ``data`` size to minimize the amount of cropping. sigma_clip : `astropy.stats.SigmaClip` instance, optional A `~astropy.stats.SigmaClip` object that defines the sigma clipping parameters. If `None` then no sigma clipping will be performed. The default is to perform sigma clipping with ``sigma=3.0`` and ``maxiters=10``. bkg_estimator : callable, optional A callable object (a function or e.g., an instance of any `~photutils.background.BackgroundBase` subclass) used to estimate the background in each of the boxes. The callable object must take in a 2D `~numpy.ndarray` or `` and have an ``axis`` keyword. Internally, the background will be calculated along ``axis=1`` and in this case the callable object must return a 1D `~numpy.ndarray`, where np.nan values are used for masked pixels. If ``bkg_estimator`` includes sigma clipping, it will be ignored (use the ``sigma_clip`` keyword here to define sigma clipping). The default is an instance of `~photutils.background.SExtractorBackground`. bkgrms_estimator : callable, optional A callable object (a function or e.g., an instance of any `~photutils.background.BackgroundRMSBase` subclass) used to estimate the background RMS in each of the boxes. The callable object must take in a 2D `~numpy.ndarray` or `` and have an ``axis`` keyword. Internally, the background RMS will be calculated along ``axis=1`` and in this case the callable object must return a 1D `~numpy.ndarray`, where np.nan values are used for masked pixels. If ``bkgrms_estimator`` includes sigma clipping, it will be ignored (use the ``sigma_clip`` keyword here to define sigma clipping). The default is an instance of `~photutils.background.StdBackgroundRMS`. interpolator : callable, optional A callable object (a function or object) used to interpolate the low-resolution background or background RMS image to the full-size background or background RMS maps. The default is an instance of `BkgZoomInterpolator`, which uses the `scipy.ndimage.zoom` function. Notes ----- Better performance will generally be obtained if you have the `bottleneck`_ package installed. If there is only one background box element (i.e., ``box_size`` is the same size as (or larger than) the ``data``), then the background map will simply be a constant image. .. _bottleneck: """ def __init__(self, data, box_size, *, mask=None, coverage_mask=None, fill_value=0.0, exclude_percentile=10.0, filter_size=(3, 3), filter_threshold=None, edge_method='pad', sigma_clip=SigmaClip(sigma=3.0, maxiters=10), bkg_estimator=SExtractorBackground(sigma_clip=None), bkgrms_estimator=StdBackgroundRMS(sigma_clip=None), interpolator=BkgZoomInterpolator()): if isinstance(data, (u.Quantity, NDData)): # includes CCDData self.unit = data.unit data = else: self.unit = None = self._validate_array(data, 'data', shape=False) self.mask = self._validate_array(mask, 'mask') self.coverage_mask = self._validate_array(coverage_mask, 'coverage_mask') self.total_mask = self._combine_masks() # box_size cannot be larger than the data array size self.box_size = as_pair('box_size', box_size, lower_bound=(0, 1), upper_bound=data.shape) self.fill_value = fill_value if exclude_percentile < 0 or exclude_percentile > 100: raise ValueError('exclude_percentile must be between 0 and 100 ' '(inclusive).') self.exclude_percentile = exclude_percentile self.filter_size = as_pair('filter_size', filter_size, lower_bound=(0, 1), check_odd=True) self.filter_threshold = filter_threshold self.edge_method = edge_method self.sigma_clip = sigma_clip bkg_estimator.sigma_clip = None bkgrms_estimator.sigma_clip = None self.bkg_estimator = bkg_estimator self.bkgrms_estimator = bkgrms_estimator self.interpolator = interpolator self.nboxes = None self.box_npixels = None self.nboxes_tot = None self._box_data = None self._box_idx = None self._mesh_idx = None self._bkg_stats = None self._bkgrms_stats = None self._prepare_box_data() self._params = ('data', 'box_size', 'mask', 'coverage_mask', 'fill_value', 'exclude_percentile', 'filter_size', 'filter_threshold', 'edge_method', 'sigma_clip', 'bkg_estimator', 'bkgrms_estimator', 'interpolator') def __repr__(self): ellipsis = ('data', 'mask', 'coverage_mask') return make_repr(self, self._params, ellipsis=ellipsis) def __str__(self): ellipsis = ('data', 'mask', 'coverage_mask') return make_repr(self, self._params, ellipsis=ellipsis, long=True) def _validate_array(self, array, name, shape=True): if name in ('mask', 'coverage_mask') and array is array = None if array is not None: array = np.asanyarray(array) if array.ndim != 2: raise ValueError(f'{name} must be a 2D array.') if shape and array.shape != raise ValueError(f'data and {name} must have the same shape.') return array def _combine_masks(self): if self.mask is None and self.coverage_mask is None: return None if self.mask is None: return self.coverage_mask elif self.coverage_mask is None: return self.mask else: return np.logical_or(self.mask, self.coverage_mask) def _prepare_data(self): """ Prepare the data. This method: * converts the data to float dtype (and makes a copy) * automatically masks non-finite values that aren't already masked * replaces all masked values with NaN * converts MaskedArray to ndarray using NaN as masked values """ # float array type is needed to insert nans into the array = # makes a copy # add non-finite values not already masked to the total mask bad_mask = np.isfinite( if self.total_mask is not None: bad_mask |= self.total_mask bad_mask = np.invert(bad_mask, out=bad_mask) if np.any(bad_mask): if self.total_mask is None: self.total_mask = bad_mask else: self.total_mask |= bad_mask warnings.warn('Input data contains invalid values (NaNs or ' 'infs), which were automatically masked.', AstropyUserWarning) # replace all masked values with NaN if self.total_mask is not None:[self.total_mask] = np.nan # convert MaskedArray to ndarray using np.nan as masked values if isinstance(, = def _reshape_data(self): """ First, pad or crop the 2D data array so that there are an integer number of boxes in both dimensions. Then reshape it into a different 2D array where each row represents the data in a single box. """ self.nboxes = // self.box_size extra_size = % self.box_size if np.sum(extra_size) != 0: # pad or crop the data if self.edge_method == 'pad': pad_size = (np.ceil( / self.box_size).astype(int) * self.box_size) - pad_width = ((0, pad_size[0]), (0, pad_size[1])) data = np.pad(, pad_width, mode='constant', constant_values=np.nan) self.nboxes = data.shape // self.box_size elif self.edge_method == 'crop': crop_size = self.nboxes * self.box_size crop_slc = np.index_exp[0:crop_size[0], 0:crop_size[1]] data =[crop_slc] else: raise ValueError('edge_method must be "pad" or "crop"') else: data = self.box_npixels = self.nboxes_tot = # a reshaped 2D array with box data along the x axis self._box_data = np.swapaxes(data.reshape( self.nboxes[0], self.box_size[0], self.nboxes[1], self.box_size[1]), 1, 2).reshape(self.nboxes_tot, self.box_npixels) @lazyproperty def _box_npixels_threshold(self): # * boxes that are completely masked are always excluded # * boxes that contain more than ``exclude_percentile`` percent # masked pixels are also excluded: # - for exclude_percentile=0, only boxes where nmasked=0 will # be included # - for exclude_percentile=100, all boxes will be included # *unless* they are completely masked threshold = self.exclude_percentile / 100.0 * self.box_npixels # always exclude completely masked boxes if self.exclude_percentile == 100: threshold -= 1 return threshold def _get_box_indices(self): """ Define the x and y indices of the boxes that will be used to compute background statistics. The box array (self._box_data) is a 2D array where each row represents the data in a single box. The ``exclude_percentile`` keyword determines which boxes are not used for the background interpolation. """ # the number of NaN pixels in each box nmasked = np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(self._box_data), axis=1) # define indices of good (included) boxes box_idx = np.where(nmasked <= self._box_npixels_threshold)[0] if box_idx.size == 0: raise ValueError('All boxes contain > ' f'{self._box_npixels_threshold} ' f'({self.exclude_percentile} percent per ' 'box) masked pixels (or all are completely ' 'masked). Please check your data or increase ' '"exclude_percentile" to allow more boxes to ' 'be included.') return box_idx def _select_initial_boxes(self): # perform a first cut on rejecting boxes self._box_idx = self._get_box_indices() if self._box_idx.size != self._box_data.shape[0]: self._box_data = self._box_data[self._box_idx, :] def _sigmaclip_boxes(self): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=AstropyUserWarning) if self.sigma_clip is not None: self._box_data = self.sigma_clip(self._box_data, axis=1, masked=False) # perform box rejection on sigma-clipped data (i.e., for any # newly-masked pixels) idx = self._get_box_indices() self._box_idx = self._box_idx[idx] if self._box_idx.size != self._box_data.shape[0]: self._box_data = self._box_data[idx, :] # the indices of the good pixels in the low-resolution 2D mesh self._mesh_idx = np.unravel_index(self._box_idx, self.nboxes) def _prepare_box_data(self): """ Prepare the box data by reshaping, masking (with NaNs), and sigma clipping the data. """ self._prepare_data() self._reshape_data() self._select_initial_boxes() self._sigmaclip_boxes() def _make_2d_array(self, data): """ Convert a 1D array of values to a 2D array given the indices in ``self._mesh_idx``. Parameters ---------- data : 1D `~numpy.ndarray` A 1D array of values. Returns ------- result : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` A 2D array. Pixels not defined in ``mesh_idx`` are assigned a value of np.nan. """ data2d = np.full(self.nboxes, np.nan) data2d[self._mesh_idx] = data return data2d def _interpolate_meshes(self, data, n_neighbors=10, eps=0.0, power=1.0, reg=0.0): """ Use IDW interpolation to fill in any masked pixels in the low-resolution 2D mesh background and background RMS images. This is required to use a regular-grid interpolator to expand the low-resolution image to the full size image. Parameters ---------- data : 1D `~numpy.ndarray` A 1D array of mesh values. n_neighbors : int, optional The maximum number of nearest neighbors to use during the interpolation. eps : float, optional Set to use approximate nearest neighbors; the kth neighbor is guaranteed to be no further than (1 + ``eps``) times the distance to the real *k*-th nearest neighbor. See `scipy.spatial.cKDTree.query` for further information. power : float, optional The power of the inverse distance used for the interpolation weights. See the Notes section for more details. reg : float, optional The regularization parameter. It may be used to control the smoothness of the interpolator. See the Notes section for more details. Returns ------- result : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` A 2D array of the mesh values where masked pixels have been filled by IDW interpolation. """ yx = np.column_stack(self._mesh_idx) interp_func = ShepardIDWInterpolator(yx, data) yi, xi = np.mgrid[0:self.nboxes[0], 0:self.nboxes[1]] yx_indices = np.column_stack((yi.ravel(), xi.ravel())) img1d = interp_func(yx_indices, n_neighbors=n_neighbors, power=power, eps=eps, reg=reg) return img1d.reshape(self.nboxes) def _make_mesh_image(self, box_stats): """ Calculate the filtered low-resolution background or background RMS "mesh" image from the 1D box statistics data. """ # make the unfiltered 2D mesh arrays (these are not masked) if box_stats.size == self.nboxes_tot: # no masked boxes mesh_img = self._make_2d_array(box_stats) else: # interpolate masked boxes mesh_img = self._interpolate_meshes(box_stats) return mesh_img def _selective_filter(self, data): """ Filter only pixels above ``filter_threshold`` in the background mesh. The same pixels are filtered in both the background and background RMS meshes. Parameters ---------- data : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` A 2D array of mesh values. Returns ------- filtered_data : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` The filtered 2D array of mesh values. """ data_out = np.copy(data) yx_indices = np.column_stack( np.nonzero(self._unfiltered_background_mesh > self.filter_threshold)) for i, j in yx_indices: yfs, xfs = self.filter_size hyfs, hxfs = yfs // 2, xfs // 2 yidx0 = max(i - hyfs, 0) yidx1 = min(i - hyfs + yfs, data.shape[0]) xidx0 = max(j - hxfs, 0) xidx1 = min(j - hxfs + xfs, data.shape[1]) data_out[i, j] = np.median(data[yidx0:yidx1, xidx0:xidx1]) return data_out def _filter_meshes(self, data): """ Apply a 2D median filter to a low-resolution 2D mesh image. """ if np.array_equal(self.filter_size, [1, 1]): return data if self.filter_threshold is None: # filter the entire array from scipy.ndimage import generic_filter filtdata = generic_filter(data, nanmedian, size=self.filter_size, mode='constant', cval=np.nan) else: # selectively filter the array filtdata = self._selective_filter(data) return filtdata @lazyproperty def _unfiltered_background_mesh(self): """ The unfiltered low-resolution background image. This array is needed separately from background_mesh to compute which pixels are to be selectively filtered (if ``filter_threshold`` is input). """ self._bkg_stats = self.bkg_estimator(self._box_data, axis=1) return self._make_mesh_image(self._bkg_stats) @lazyproperty def background_mesh(self): """ The low-resolution background image. This image is equivalent to the low-resolution "MINIBACKGROUND" background map in SourceExtractor. """ return self._filter_meshes(self._unfiltered_background_mesh) @lazyproperty def background_rms_mesh(self): """ The low-resolution background RMS image. This image is equivalent to the low-resolution "MINIBACKGROUND" background rms map in SourceExtractor. """ self._bkgrms_stats = self.bkgrms_estimator(self._box_data, axis=1) mesh_img = self._make_mesh_image(self._bkgrms_stats) return self._filter_meshes(mesh_img) @lazyproperty def background_mesh_masked(self): """ The background 2D (masked) array mesh prior to any interpolation. The array has NaN values where meshes were excluded. """ data = np.full(self.background_mesh.shape, np.nan) data[self._mesh_idx] = self.background_mesh[self._mesh_idx] return data @lazyproperty def background_rms_mesh_masked(self): """ The background RMS 2D (masked) array mesh prior to any interpolation. The array has NaN values where meshes were excluded. """ data = np.full(self.background_rms_mesh.shape, np.nan) data[self._mesh_idx] = self.background_rms_mesh[self._mesh_idx] return data @lazyproperty def _mesh_yxpos(self): box_cen = (self.box_size - 1) / 2.0 return (self._mesh_idx * self.box_size[:, None]) + box_cen[:, None] @lazyproperty def _mesh_xypos(self): return np.flipud(self._mesh_yxpos) @lazyproperty def mesh_nmasked(self): """ A 2D array of the number of masked pixels in each mesh. NaN values indicate where meshes were excluded. """ return self._make_2d_array( np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(self._box_data), axis=1)) @lazyproperty def background_median(self): """ The median value of the 2D low-resolution background map. This is equivalent to the value SourceExtractor prints to stdout (i.e., "(M+D) Background: <value>"). """ _median = np.median(self.background_mesh) if self.unit is not None: _median <<= self.unit return _median @lazyproperty def background_rms_median(self): """ The median value of the low-resolution background RMS map. This is equivalent to the value SourceExtractor prints to stdout (i.e., "(M+D) RMS: <value>"). """ _rms_median = np.median(self.background_rms_mesh) if self.unit is not None: _rms_median <<= self.unit return _rms_median @lazyproperty def background(self): """A 2D `~numpy.ndarray` containing the background image.""" bkg = self.interpolator(self.background_mesh, self) if self.coverage_mask is not None: bkg[self.coverage_mask] = self.fill_value if self.unit is not None: bkg <<= self.unit return bkg @lazyproperty def background_rms(self): """A 2D `~numpy.ndarray` containing the background RMS image.""" bkg_rms = self.interpolator(self.background_rms_mesh, self) if self.coverage_mask is not None: bkg_rms[self.coverage_mask] = self.fill_value if self.unit is not None: bkg_rms <<= self.unit return bkg_rms
[docs] def plot_meshes(self, *, ax=None, marker='+', markersize=None, color='blue', alpha=None, outlines=False, **kwargs): """ Plot the low-resolution mesh boxes on a matplotlib Axes instance. Parameters ---------- ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axes` or `None`, optional The matplotlib axes on which to plot. If `None`, then the current `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance is used. marker : str, optional The `matplotlib marker <>`_ to use to mark the center of the boxes. markersize : float, optional The box center marker size in ``points ** 2`` (typographical points are 1/72 inch) . The default is ``matplotlib.rcParams['lines.markersize'] ** 2``. If set to 0, then the box center markers will not be plotted. color : str, optional The color for the box center markers and outlines. alpha : float, optional The alpha blending value, between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque), for the box center markers and outlines. outlines : bool, optional Whether or not to plot the box outlines. **kwargs : `dict` Any keyword arguments accepted by `matplotlib.patches.Patch`, which is used to draw the box outlines. Used only if ``outlines`` is True. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt kwargs['color'] = color if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.scatter(*self._mesh_xypos, s=markersize, marker=marker, color=color, alpha=alpha) if outlines: xypos = np.column_stack(self._mesh_xypos) apers = RectangularAperture(xypos, self.box_size[1], self.box_size[0], 0.0) apers.plot(ax=ax, alpha=alpha, **kwargs)