Source code for photutils.psf.photometry

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module provides classes to perform PSF-fitting photometry.

import inspect
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import chain

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from astropy.modeling import Model
from astropy.modeling.fitting import LevMarLSQFitter
from astropy.nddata import (NDData, NoOverlapError, StdDevUncertainty,
from astropy.table import QTable, Table, hstack, vstack
from astropy.utils import lazyproperty
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning

from photutils.aperture import CircularAperture
from photutils.background import LocalBackground
from photutils.psf.groupstars import GroupStarsBase
from photutils.utils._misc import _get_meta
from photutils.utils._parameters import as_pair
from photutils.utils._progress_bars import add_progress_bar
from photutils.utils._quantity_helpers import process_quantities
from photutils.utils._round import py2intround
from photutils.utils.exceptions import NoDetectionsWarning

__all__ = ['PSFPhotometry', 'IterativePSFPhotometry']

[docs] class PSFPhotometry: """ Class to perform PSF photometry. This class implements a flexible PSF photometry algorithm that can find sources in an image, group overlapping sources, fit the PSF model to the sources, and subtract the fit PSF models from the image. Parameters ---------- psf_model : 2D `astropy.modeling.Model` The PSF model to fit to the data. The model must have parameters named ``x_0``, ``y_0``, and ``flux``, corresponding to the center (x, y) position and flux, or it must have 'x_name', 'y_name', and 'flux_name' attributes that map to the x, y, and flux parameters (i.e., a model output from `prepare_psf_model`). The model must be two-dimensional such that it accepts 2 inputs (e.g., x and y) and provides 1 output. fit_shape : int or length-2 array_like The rectangular shape around the center of a star that will be used to define the PSF-fitting data. If ``fit_shape`` is a scalar then a square shape of size ``fit_shape`` will be used. If ``fit_shape`` has two elements, they must be in ``(ny, nx)`` order. Each element of ``fit_shape`` must be an odd number. In general, ``fit_shape`` should be set to a small size (e.g., ``(5, 5)``) that covers the region with the highest flux signal-to-noise. finder : callable or `~photutils.detection.StarFinderBase` or `None`, optional A callable used to identify stars in an image. The ``finder`` must accept a 2D image as input and return a `~astropy.table.Table` containing the x and y centroid positions. These positions are used as the starting points for the PSF fitting. The allowed ``x`` column names are (same suffix for ``y``): ``'x_init'``, ``'xinit'``, ``'xcentroid'``, ``'x_centroid'``, ``'x_peak'``, ``'x'``, ``'xcen'``, ``'x_cen'``, ``'xpos'``, ``'x_pos'``, ``'x_0'``, and ``'x0'``. If `None`, then the initial (x, y) model positions must be input using the ``init_params`` keyword when calling the class. The (x, y) values in ``init_params`` override this keyword. grouper : `~photutils.psf.SourceGrouper` or callable or `None`, optional A callable used to group stars. Typically, grouped stars are those that overlap with their neighbors. Stars that are grouped are fit simultaneously. The ``grouper`` must accept the x and y coordinates of the sources and return an integer array of the group id numbers (starting from 1) indicating the group in which a given source belongs. If `None`, then no grouping is performed, i.e. each source is fit independently. The ``group_id`` values in ``init_params`` override this keyword *only for the first iteration*. A warning is raised if any group size is larger than 25 sources. fitter : `~astropy.modeling.fitting.Fitter`, optional The fitter object used to perform the fit of the model to the data. fitter_maxiters : int, optional The maximum number of iterations in which the ``fitter`` is called for each source. localbkg_estimator : `~photutils.background.LocalBackground` or `None`, optional The object used to estimate the local background around each source. If `None`, then no local background is subtracted. The ``local_bkg`` values in ``init_params`` override this keyword. This option should be used with care, especially in crowded fields where the ``fit_shape`` of sources overlap (see Notes below). aperture_radius : float, optional The radius of the circular aperture used to estimate the initial flux of each source. The ``flux_init`` values in ``init_params`` override this keyword. progress_bar : bool, optional Whether to display a progress bar when fitting the sources (or groups). The progress bar requires that the `tqdm <>`_ optional dependency be installed. Note that the progress bar does not currently work in the Jupyter console due to limitations in ``tqdm``. Notes ----- The local background value around each source is optionally estimated using the ``localbkg_estimator`` or obtained from the ``local_bkg`` column in the input ``init_params`` table. This local background is then subtracted from the data over the ``fit_shape`` region for each source before fitting the PSF model. For sources where their ``fit_shape`` regions overlap, the local background will effectively be subtracted twice in the overlapping ``fit_shape`` regions, even if the source ``grouper`` is input. This is not an issue if the sources are well-separated. However, for crowded fields, please use the ``localbkg_estimator`` (or ``local_bkg`` column in ``init_params``) with care. """ def __init__(self, psf_model, fit_shape, *, finder=None, grouper=None, fitter=LevMarLSQFitter(), fitter_maxiters=100, localbkg_estimator=None, aperture_radius=None, progress_bar=False): self.psf_model = psf_model self._validate_psf_model() self.fit_shape = as_pair('fit_shape', fit_shape, lower_bound=(0, 1), check_odd=True) self.grouper = self._validate_grouper(grouper, 'grouper') self.finder = self._validate_callable(finder, 'finder') self.fitter = self._validate_callable(fitter, 'fitter') self.localbkg_estimator = self._validate_localbkg( localbkg_estimator, 'localbkg_estimator') self.fitter_maxiters = self._validate_maxiters(fitter_maxiters) self.aperture_radius = self._validate_radius(aperture_radius) self.progress_bar = progress_bar # reset these attributes for each __call__ (see _reset_results) self.finder_results = None self.fit_results = defaultdict(list) self._group_results = defaultdict(list) self._fit_models = None def _reset_results(self): self.finder_results = None self.fit_results = defaultdict(list) self._group_results = defaultdict(list) self._fit_models = None def _validate_grouper(self, grouper, name): # remove this check when GroupStarsBase subclasses are removed if isinstance(grouper, GroupStarsBase): raise ValueError('Invalid grouper class. Please use ' 'SourceGrouper.') return self._validate_callable(grouper, name) @lazyproperty def _psf_param_names(self): """ The PSF model parameters corresponding to x, y, and flux. """ params1 = ('x_0', 'y_0', 'flux') params2 = ('x_name', 'y_name', 'flux_name') params3 = ('xname', 'yname', 'fluxname') # deprecated if all(name in self.psf_model.param_names for name in params1): model_params = params1 elif all(hasattr(self.psf_model, name) for name in params2): model_params = [] for name in params2: model_params.append(getattr(self.psf_model, name)) model_params = tuple(model_params) elif all(hasattr(self.psf_model, name) for name in params3): model_params = [] for name in params3: model_params.append(getattr(self.psf_model, name)) model_params = tuple(model_params) else: msg = 'Invalid PSF model - could not find PSF parameter names.' raise ValueError(msg) return model_params @lazyproperty def _fitted_psf_param_names(self): """ All PSF model parameters that are fit. """ fitted_params = [] for key, val in self.psf_model.fixed.items(): if not val: fitted_params.append(key) return fitted_params @lazyproperty def _extra_psf_param_names(self): """ PSF model parameters that are fit, but do not correspond to x, y, or flux. """ extra_params = [] for key in self._fitted_psf_param_names: if key not in self._psf_param_names: extra_params.append(key) return extra_params def _validate_psf_model(self): """ Validate the input PSF model. The PSF model must be a subclass of `astropy.modeling.Model`. It must also be two-dimensional and have a single output. The PSF model must have parameters called 'x_0', 'y_0', and 'flux' or it must have 'x_name', 'y_name', and 'flux_name' attributes (i.e., output from `prepare_psf_model`). Otherwise, a `ValueError` is raised. """ if not isinstance(self.psf_model, Model): raise TypeError('psf_model must be an Astropy Model subclass.') if self.psf_model.n_inputs != 2 or self.psf_model.n_outputs != 1: raise ValueError('psf_model must be two-dimensional with ' 'n_inputs=2 and n_outputs=1.') # check for required PSF model parameters _ = self._psf_param_names @staticmethod def _validate_callable(obj, name): if obj is not None and not callable(obj): raise TypeError(f'{name!r} must be a callable object') return obj def _validate_localbkg(self, value, name): if value is not None and not isinstance(value, LocalBackground): raise ValueError('localbkg_estimator must be a ' 'LocalBackground instance.') return self._validate_callable(value, name) def _validate_maxiters(self, maxiters): spec = inspect.signature(self.fitter.__call__) if 'maxiter' not in spec.parameters: warnings.warn('"maxiters" will be ignored because it is not ' 'accepted by the input fitter __call__ method', AstropyUserWarning) maxiters = None return maxiters @staticmethod def _validate_radius(radius): if radius is not None and (not np.isscalar(radius) or radius <= 0 or ~np.isfinite(radius)): raise ValueError('aperture_radius must be a strictly-positive ' 'scalar') return radius def _validate_array(self, array, name, data_shape=None): if name == 'mask' and array is array = None if array is not None: array = np.asanyarray(array) if array.ndim != 2: raise ValueError(f'{name} must be a 2D array.') if data_shape is not None and array.shape != data_shape: raise ValueError(f'data and {name} must have the same shape.') return array @lazyproperty def _init_colnames(self): """ A dictionary of column names for the initial x, y, and flux values reported in the output table. """ init_colnames = {} init_colnames['x'] = 'x_init' init_colnames['y'] = 'y_init' init_colnames['flux'] = 'flux_init' init_colnames['suffix'] = '_init' return init_colnames @lazyproperty def _valid_colnames(self): """ A dictionary of valid column names for the input ``init_params`` table. These lists are searched in order. """ xy_suffixes = ('_init', 'init', 'centroid', '_centroid', '_peak', '', 'cen', '_cen', 'pos', '_pos', '_0', '0') x_valid = ['x' + i for i in xy_suffixes] y_valid = ['y' + i for i in xy_suffixes] valid_colnames = {} valid_colnames['x'] = x_valid valid_colnames['y'] = y_valid valid_colnames['flux'] = ('flux_init', 'flux_0', 'flux0', 'flux', 'source_sum', 'segment_flux', 'kron_flux') return valid_colnames def _find_column_name(self, key, colnames): name = '' valid_names = self._valid_colnames[key] for valid_name in valid_names: if valid_name in colnames: name = valid_name return name def _validate_init_params(self, init_params, flux_unit): if init_params is None: return init_params if not isinstance(init_params, Table): raise TypeError('init_params must be an astropy Table') xcolname = self._find_column_name('x', init_params.colnames) ycolname = self._find_column_name('y', init_params.colnames) if not xcolname or not ycolname: raise ValueError('init_param must contain valid column names ' 'for the x and y source positions') init_params = init_params.copy() # preserve input init_params xinit_name = self._init_colnames['x'] yinit_name = self._init_colnames['y'] if xcolname != xinit_name: init_params.rename_column(xcolname, xinit_name) if ycolname != yinit_name: init_params.rename_column(ycolname, yinit_name) fluxcolname = self._find_column_name('flux', init_params.colnames) if fluxcolname: fluxinit_name = self._init_colnames['flux'] if fluxcolname != fluxinit_name: init_params.rename_column(fluxcolname, fluxinit_name) init_flux = init_params[fluxinit_name] if isinstance(init_flux, u.Quantity): if flux_unit is None: raise ValueError('init_params flux column has ' 'units, but the input data does not ' 'have units.') try: init_params[fluxinit_name] = except u.UnitConversionError as exc: raise ValueError('init_params flux column has ' 'units that are incompatible with ' 'the input data units.') from exc else: if flux_unit is not None: raise ValueError('The input data has units, but the ' 'init_params flux column does not have ' 'units.') return init_params @staticmethod def _make_mask(image, mask): def warn_nonfinite(): warnings.warn('Input data contains unmasked non-finite values ' '(NaN or inf), which were automatically ignored.', AstropyUserWarning) # if NaNs are in the data, no actual fitting takes place # finite_mask = ~np.isfinite(image) if mask is not None: finite_mask |= mask if np.any(finite_mask & ~mask): warn_nonfinite() else: mask = finite_mask if np.any(finite_mask): warn_nonfinite() else: mask = None return mask def _get_aper_fluxes(self, data, mask, init_params): xpos = init_params[self._init_colnames['x']] ypos = init_params[self._init_colnames['y']] apertures = CircularAperture(zip(xpos, ypos), r=self.aperture_radius) flux, _ = apertures.do_photometry(data, mask=mask) return flux def _prepare_init_params(self, data, unit, mask, init_params): if init_params is None: if self.finder is None: raise ValueError('finder must be defined if init_params ' 'is not input') sources = self.finder(data, mask=mask) self.finder_results = sources if sources is None: return None init_params = QTable() init_params['id'] = np.arange(len(sources)) + 1 init_params[self._init_colnames['x']] = sources['xcentroid'] init_params[self._init_colnames['y']] = sources['ycentroid'] else: colnames = init_params.colnames if 'id' not in colnames: init_params['id'] = np.arange(len(init_params)) + 1 if 'group_id' in colnames: # grouper is ignored if group_id is input in init_params self.grouper = None if 'local_bkg' not in init_params.colnames: if self.localbkg_estimator is None: local_bkg = np.zeros(len(init_params)) else: local_bkg = self.localbkg_estimator( data, init_params[self._init_colnames['x']], init_params[self._init_colnames['y']], mask=mask) init_params['local_bkg'] = local_bkg self.fit_results['local_bkg'] = init_params['local_bkg'].value if self._init_colnames['flux'] not in init_params.colnames: flux = self._get_aper_fluxes(data, mask, init_params) flux -= init_params['local_bkg'] if unit is not None: flux <<= unit init_params[self._init_colnames['flux']] = flux if self.grouper is not None: init_params['group_id'] = self.grouper( init_params['x_init'], init_params['y_init']) # no grouping if 'group_id' not in init_params.colnames: init_params['group_id'] = init_params['id'] extra_param_cols = [] init_param_map = self._param_maps['init'] for extra_param in self._extra_psf_param_names: for key, val in init_param_map.items(): if val == extra_param: extra_param_cols.append(key) for extra_col in extra_param_cols: if extra_col not in init_params.colnames: init_params[extra_col] = getattr(self.psf_model, init_param_map[extra_col]) # order init_params columns colname_order = ['id', 'group_id', 'local_bkg', self._init_colnames['x'], self._init_colnames['y'], self._init_colnames['flux']] colname_order.extend(extra_param_cols) init_params = init_params[colname_order] return init_params @lazyproperty def _param_maps(self): """ Map x, y, and flux column names to the PSF model parameter names. Also include any extra PSF model parameters that are fit, but do not correspond to x, y, or flux. The column names include the ``_init``, ``_fit``, and ``_err`` suffixes for each parameter. """ init_param_map = {} init_param_map[self._init_colnames['x']] = self._psf_param_names[0] init_param_map[self._init_colnames['y']] = self._psf_param_names[1] init_param_map[self._init_colnames['flux']] = self._psf_param_names[2] for extra_param in self._extra_psf_param_names: init_param_map[f'{extra_param}_init'] = extra_param init_suffix = self._init_colnames['suffix'] fit_param_map = {val: key.replace(init_suffix, '_fit') for key, val in init_param_map.items()} err_param_map = {val: key.replace(init_suffix, '_err') for key, val in init_param_map.items()} param_maps = {} param_maps['init'] = init_param_map param_maps['fit'] = fit_param_map param_maps['err'] = err_param_map return param_maps def _make_psf_model(self, sources): """ Make a PSF model to fit a single source or several sources within a group. """ init_param_map = self._param_maps['init'] for index, source in enumerate(sources): model = self.psf_model.copy() for param, model_param in init_param_map.items(): value = source[param] if isinstance(value, u.Quantity): value = value.value # psf model cannot be fit with units setattr(model, model_param, value) = source['id'] if index == 0: psf_model = model else: psf_model += model return psf_model def _define_fit_data(self, sources, data, mask): yi = [] xi = [] cutout = [] npixfit = [] cen_index = [] for row in sources: xcen = py2intround(row[self._init_colnames['x']]) ycen = py2intround(row[self._init_colnames['y']]) try: slc_lg, _ = overlap_slices(data.shape, self.fit_shape, (ycen, xcen), mode='trim') except NoOverlapError as exc: msg = (f'Initial source at ({xcen}, {ycen}) does not ' 'overlap with the input data.') raise ValueError(msg) from exc yy, xx = np.mgrid[slc_lg] if mask is not None: inv_mask = ~mask[yy, xx] if np.count_nonzero(inv_mask) == 0: msg = (f'Source at ({xcen}, {ycen}) is completely masked. ' 'Remove the source from init_params or correct ' 'the input mask.') raise ValueError(msg) yy = yy[inv_mask] xx = xx[inv_mask] else: xx = xx.ravel() yy = yy.ravel() xi.append(xx) yi.append(yy) cutout.append(data[yy, xx] - row['local_bkg']) npixfit.append(len(xx)) idx = np.where((xx == xcen) & (yy == ycen))[0] if len(idx) == 0: idx = [np.nan] cen_index.append(idx[0]) # flatten the lists, which may contain arrays of different lengths # due to masking xi = _flatten(xi) yi = _flatten(yi) cutout = _flatten(cutout) self._group_results['npixfit'].append(npixfit) self._group_results['psfcenter_indices'].append(cen_index) return yi, xi, cutout @staticmethod def _split_compound_model(model, chunk_size): for i in range(0, model.n_submodels, chunk_size): yield model[i:i + chunk_size] @staticmethod def _split_param_errs(param_err, nparam): for i in range(0, len(param_err), nparam): yield param_err[i:i + nparam] def _order_by_id(self, iterable): """ Reorder the list from group-id to source-id order. """ return [iterable[i] for i in self._group_results['ungroup_indices']] def _ungroup(self, iterable): """ Expand a list of lists (groups) and reorder in source-id order. """ iterable = _flatten(iterable) return self._order_by_id(iterable) def _get_fit_error_indices(self): indices = [] for index, fit_info in enumerate(self.fit_results['fit_infos']): ierr = fit_info.get('ierr', None) # check if in good flags defined by scipy if ierr is not None: # scipy.optimize.leastsq if ierr not in (1, 2, 3, 4): indices.append(index) else: # scipy.optimize.least_squares status = fit_info.get('status', None) if status is not None and status in (-1, 0): indices.append(index) return np.array(indices, dtype=int) def _make_fit_results(self, models, infos): psf_nsub = self.psf_model.n_submodels fit_models = [] fit_infos = [] fit_param_errs = [] nfitparam = len(self._fitted_psf_param_names) for model, info in zip(models, infos): model_nsub = model.n_submodels npsf_models = model_nsub // psf_nsub param_cov = info.get('param_cov', None) if param_cov is None: if nfitparam == 0: # model params are all fixed nfitparam = 3 # x_err, y_err, and flux_err are np.nan param_err = np.array([np.nan] * nfitparam * npsf_models) else: param_err = np.sqrt(np.diag(param_cov)) # model is for a single source (which may be compound) if npsf_models == 1: fit_models.append(model) fit_infos.append(info) fit_param_errs.append(param_err) continue # model is a grouped model for multiple sources fit_models.extend(self._split_compound_model(model, psf_nsub)) fit_infos.extend([info] * npsf_models) # views fit_param_errs.extend(self._split_param_errs(param_err, nfitparam)) if len(fit_models) != len(fit_infos): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('fit_models and fit_infos have different lengths') # change the sorting from group_id to source id order fit_models = self._order_by_id(fit_models) fit_infos = self._order_by_id(fit_infos) fit_param_errs = np.array(self._order_by_id(fit_param_errs)) self._fit_models = fit_models self.fit_results['fit_infos'] = fit_infos self.fit_results['fit_param_errs'] = fit_param_errs self.fit_results['fit_error_indices'] = self._get_fit_error_indices() return fit_models def _fit_sources(self, data, init_params, *, error=None, mask=None): if self.fitter_maxiters is not None: kwargs = {'maxiter': self.fitter_maxiters} else: kwargs = {} sources = init_params.group_by('group_id') ungroup_idx = np.argsort(sources['id'].value) self._group_results['ungroup_indices'] = ungroup_idx sources = sources.groups if self.progress_bar: # pragma: no cover desc = 'Fit source/group' sources = add_progress_bar(sources, desc=desc) # Save the fit_info results for these keys if they are present. # Some of these keys are returned only by some fitters. These # keys contain the fit residuals (fvec or fun), the parameter # covariance matrix (param_cov), and the fit status (ierr, # message) or (status). fit_info_keys = ('fvec', 'fun', 'param_cov', 'ierr', 'message', 'status') fit_models = [] fit_infos = [] nmodels = [] for sources_ in sources: # fit in group_id order nsources = len(sources_) nmodels.append([nsources] * nsources) psf_model = self._make_psf_model(sources_) yi, xi, cutout = self._define_fit_data(sources_, data, mask) if error is not None: weights = 1.0 / error[yi, xi] else: weights = None with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', AstropyUserWarning) try: fit_model = self.fitter(psf_model, xi, yi, cutout, weights=weights, **kwargs) try: fit_model.clear_cache() except AttributeError: pass except TypeError as exc: msg = ('The number of data points is less than the ' 'number of fit parameters. This is likely due ' 'to overmasked data. Please check the input ' 'mask.') raise ValueError(msg) from exc fit_info = {} for key in fit_info_keys: value = self.fitter.fit_info.get(key, None) if value is not None: fit_info[key] = value fit_models.append(fit_model) fit_infos.append(fit_info) self._group_results['fit_models'] = fit_models self._group_results['fit_infos'] = fit_infos self._group_results['nmodels'] = nmodels # split the groups and return objects in source-id order fit_models = self._make_fit_results(fit_models, fit_infos) return fit_models def _model_params_to_table(self, models): fit_param_map = self._param_maps['fit'] params = [] for model in models: mparams = [] for model_param in fit_param_map.keys(): mparams.append(getattr(model, model_param).value) params.append(mparams) vals = np.transpose(params) colnames = fit_param_map.values() table = QTable() for index, colname in enumerate(colnames): table[colname] = vals[index] return table def _param_errors_to_table(self): err_param_map = self._param_maps['err'] table = QTable() for index, name in enumerate(self._fitted_psf_param_names): colname = err_param_map[name] table[colname] = self.fit_results['fit_param_errs'][:, index] colnames = list(err_param_map.values()) # add missing error columns nsources = len(self._fit_models) for colname in colnames: if colname not in table.colnames: table[colname] = [np.nan] * nsources # sort column names return table[colnames] def _calc_fit_metrics(self, data, source_tbl): # Keep cen_idx as a list because it can have NaNs with the ints. # If NaNs are present, turning it into an array will convert the # ints to floats, which cannot be used as slices. cen_idx = self._ungroup(self._group_results['psfcenter_indices']) self.fit_results['psfcenter_indices'] = cen_idx split_index = [] for npixfit in self._group_results['npixfit']: split_index.append(np.cumsum(npixfit)[:-1]) # find the key with the fit residual (fitter dependent) finfo_keys = self._group_results['fit_infos'][0].keys() keys = ('fvec', 'fun') key = None for key_ in keys: if key_ in finfo_keys: key = key_ # SimplexLSQFitter if key is None: qfit = cfit = np.array([[np.nan]] * len(source_tbl)) return qfit, cfit fit_residuals = [] for idx, fit_info in zip(split_index, self._group_results['fit_infos']): fit_residuals.extend(np.split(fit_info[key], idx)) fit_residuals = self._order_by_id(fit_residuals) self.fit_results['fit_residuals'] = fit_residuals for npixfit, residuals in zip(self.fit_results['npixfit'], fit_residuals): if len(residuals) != npixfit: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('size of residuals does not match npixfit') if len(fit_residuals) != len(source_tbl): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('fit_residuals does not match the source ' 'table length') with warnings.catch_warnings(): # ignore divide-by-zero if flux = 0 warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) qfit = [] cfit = [] for index, (model, residual, cen_idx_) in enumerate( zip(self._fit_models, fit_residuals, cen_idx)): source = source_tbl[index] xcen = py2intround(source[self._init_colnames['x']]) ycen = py2intround(source[self._init_colnames['y']]) flux_fit = source['flux_fit'] qfit.append(np.sum(np.abs(residual)) / flux_fit) if np.isnan(cen_idx_): # calculate residual at central pixel if the central pixel # is within the bounds of the ``data``, otherwise mask it: cen_in_data = ( 0 <= ycen <= data.shape[0] - 1 and 0 <= xcen <= data.shape[1] - 1 ) if cen_in_data: cen_residual = data[ycen, xcen] - model(xcen, ycen) else: cen_residual = np.nan else: # find residual at (xcen, ycen) cen_residual = -residual[cen_idx_] cfit.append(cen_residual / flux_fit) return qfit, cfit def _define_flags(self, source_tbl, shape): flags = np.zeros(len(source_tbl), dtype=int) for index, row in enumerate(source_tbl): if row['npixfit'] < flags[index] += 1 if (row['x_fit'] < 0 or row['y_fit'] < 0 or row['x_fit'] > shape[1] or row['y_fit'] > shape[0]): flags[index] += 2 if row['flux_fit'] <= 0: flags[index] += 4 flags[self.fit_results['fit_error_indices']] += 8 try: for index, fit_info in enumerate(self.fit_results['fit_infos']): if fit_info['param_cov'] is None: flags[index] += 16 except KeyError: pass return flags def _prepare_fit_inputs(self, data, *, mask=None, error=None, init_params=None): """ Prepare inputs for PSF fitting. Tasks: * Checks array input shapes and units. * Calculates a total mask * Validates inputs for init_params and aperture_radius * Prepares initial parameters table - Runs source finder if needed - Runs aperture photometry if needed - Runs local background estimation if needed - Groups sources if needed """ (data, error), unit = process_quantities((data, error), ('data', 'error')) data = self._validate_array(data, 'data') mask = self._validate_array(mask, 'mask', data_shape=data.shape) mask = self._make_mask(data, mask) init_params = self._validate_init_params(init_params, unit) # copies if (self.aperture_radius is None and (init_params is None or self._init_colnames['flux'] not in init_params.colnames)): raise ValueError('aperture_radius must be defined if init_params ' 'is not input or if a flux column is not in ' 'init_params') init_params = self._prepare_init_params(data, unit, mask, init_params) self.fit_results['init_params'] = init_params if init_params is None: # no sources detected # TODO: raise warning return None _, counts = np.unique(init_params['group_id'], return_counts=True) if max(counts) > 25: warnings.warn('Some groups have more than 25 sources. Fitting ' 'such groups may take a long time and be ' 'error-prone. You may want to consider using ' 'different `SourceGrouper` parameters or ' 'changing the "group_id" column in "init_params".', AstropyUserWarning) return data, mask, error, init_params, unit
[docs] def __call__(self, data, *, mask=None, error=None, init_params=None): """ Perform PSF photometry. Parameters ---------- data : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` The 2D array on which to perform photometry. Invalid data values (i.e., NaN or inf) are automatically masked. mask : 2D bool `~numpy.ndarray`, optional A boolean mask with the same shape as ``data``, where a `True` value indicates the corresponding element of ``data`` is masked. error : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`, optional The pixel-wise 1-sigma errors of the input ``data``. ``error`` is assumed to include *all* sources of error, including the Poisson error of the sources (see `~photutils.utils.calc_total_error`) . ``error`` must have the same shape as the input ``data``. If a `~astropy.units.Quantity` array, then ``data`` must also be a `~astropy.units.Quantity` array with the same units. init_params : `~astropy.table.Table` or `None`, optional A table containing the initial guesses of the (x, y, flux) model parameters for each source. If the x and y values are not input, then the ``finder`` keyword must be defined. If the flux values are not input, then the ``aperture_radius`` keyword must be defined. Note that the initial flux values refer to the model flux parameters and are not corrected for local background values (computed using ``localbkg_estimator`` or input in a ``local_bkg`` column) The allowed column names are: * ``x_init``, ``xinit``, ``xcentroid``, ``x_centroid``, ``x_peak``, ``x``, ``xcen``, ``x_cen``, ``xpos``, ``x_pos``, ``x_0``, and ``x0``. * ``y_init``, ``yinit``, ``ycentroid``, ``y_centroid``, ``y_peak``, ``y``, ``ycen``, ``y_cen``, ``ypos``, ``y_pos``, ``y_0``, and ``y0``. * ``flux_init``, ``flux``, ``source_sum``, ``segment_flux``, and ``kron_flux``. The parameter names are searched in the input table in the above order, stopping at the first match. The table can also have ``group_id`` and ``local_bkg`` columns. If ``group_id`` is input, the values will be used and ``grouper`` keyword will be ignored. If ``local_bkg`` is input, they will be used and the ``localbkg_estimator`` will be ignored. Returns ------- table : `~astropy.table.QTable` An astropy table with the PSF-fitting results. The table will contain the following columns: * ``id`` : unique identification number for the source * ``group_id`` : unique identification number for the source group * ``x_init``, ``x_fit``, ``x_err`` : the initial, fit, and error of the source x center * ``y_init``, ``y_fit``, ``y_err`` : the initial, fit, and error of the source y center * ``flux_init``, ``flux_fit``, ``flux_err`` : the initial, fit, and error of the source flux * ``npixfit`` : the number of unmasked pixels used to fit the source * ``group_size`` : the total number of sources that were simultaneously fit along with the given source * ``qfit`` : a quality-of-fit metric defined as the absolute value of the sum of the fit residuals divided by the fit flux * ``cfit`` : a quality-of-fit metric defined as the fit residual in the central pixel divided by the fit flux * ``flags`` : bitwise flag values: * 1 : one or more pixels in the ``fit_shape`` region were masked * 2 : the fit x and/or y position lies outside of the input data * 4 : the fit flux is less than or equal to zero * 8 : the fitter may not have converged * 16 : the fitter parameter covariance matrix was not returned """ if isinstance(data, NDData): data_ = if data.unit is not None: data_ <<= data.unit mask = data.mask unc = data.uncertainty if unc is not None: error = unc.represent_as(StdDevUncertainty).quantity if error.unit is u.dimensionless_unscaled: error = error.value else: error = return self.__call__(data_, mask=mask, error=error, init_params=init_params) # reset results from previous runs self._reset_results() # Prepare fit inputs, including defining the initial source # parameters. This also runs the source finder, aperture # photometry, local background estimator, and source grouper, if # needed. fit_inputs = self._prepare_fit_inputs(data, mask=mask, error=error, init_params=init_params) if fit_inputs is None: return None # fit the sources data, mask, error, init_params, unit = fit_inputs fit_models = self._fit_sources(data, init_params, error=error, mask=mask) # create output table fit_sources = self._model_params_to_table(fit_models) # ungrouped if len(init_params) != len(fit_sources): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('init_params and fit_sources tables have ' 'different lengths') source_tbl = hstack((init_params, fit_sources)) param_errors = self._param_errors_to_table() if len(param_errors) > 0: if len(param_errors) != len(source_tbl): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('param errors and fit sources tables have ' 'different lengths') source_tbl = hstack((source_tbl, param_errors)) npixfit = np.array(self._ungroup(self._group_results['npixfit'])) self.fit_results['npixfit'] = npixfit source_tbl['npixfit'] = npixfit nmodels = np.array(self._ungroup(self._group_results['nmodels'])) self.fit_results['nmodels'] = nmodels source_tbl['group_size'] = nmodels qfit, cfit = self._calc_fit_metrics(data, source_tbl) source_tbl['qfit'] = qfit source_tbl['cfit'] = cfit source_tbl['flags'] = self._define_flags(source_tbl, data.shape) if unit is not None: source_tbl['local_bkg'] <<= unit source_tbl['flux_fit'] <<= unit source_tbl['flux_err'] <<= unit meta = _get_meta() attrs = ('fit_shape', 'fitter_maxiters', 'aperture_radius', 'progress_bar') for attr in attrs: meta[attr] = getattr(self, attr) source_tbl.meta = meta if len(self.fit_results['fit_error_indices']) > 0: warnings.warn('One or more fit(s) may not have converged. Please ' 'check the "flags" column in the output table.', AstropyUserWarning) return source_tbl
[docs] def make_model_image(self, shape, psf_shape, *, include_localbkg=False): """ Create a 2D image from the fit PSF models and optional local background. Parameters ---------- shape : 2 tuple of int The shape of the output array. psf_shape : 2 tuple of int The shape of region around the center of the fit model to render in the output image. include_localbkg : bool, optional Whether to include the local background in the rendered output image. Note that the local background level is included around each source over the region defined by ``psf_shape``. Thus, regions where the ``psf_shape`` of sources overlap will have the local background added multiple times. Returns ------- array : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` The rendered image from the fit PSF models. """ fit_models = self._fit_models data = np.zeros(shape) xname, yname = self._psf_param_names[0:2] if self.progress_bar: # pragma: no cover desc = 'Model image' fit_models = add_progress_bar(fit_models, desc=desc) # fit_models must be a list of individual, not grouped, PSF # models, i.e., there should be one PSF model (which may be # compound) for each source for fit_model, local_bkg in zip(fit_models, self.fit_results['local_bkg']): x0 = getattr(fit_model, xname).value y0 = getattr(fit_model, yname).value try: slc_lg, _ = overlap_slices(shape, psf_shape, (y0, x0), mode='trim') except NoOverlapError: continue yy, xx = np.mgrid[slc_lg] data[slc_lg] += fit_model(xx, yy) if include_localbkg: data[slc_lg] += local_bkg return data
[docs] def make_residual_image(self, data, psf_shape, *, include_localbkg=False): """ Create a 2D residual image from the fit PSF models and local background. Parameters ---------- data : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` The 2D array on which photometry was performed. This should be the same array input when calling the PSF-photometry class. psf_shape : 2 tuple of int The shape of region around the center of the fit model to subtract. include_localbkg : bool, optional Whether to include the local background in the subtracted model. Note that the local background level is subtracted around each source over the region defined by ``psf_shape``. Thus, regions where the ``psf_shape`` of sources overlap will have the local background subtracted multiple times. Returns ------- array : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` The residual image of the ``data`` minus the ``local_bkg`` minus the fit PSF models. """ if isinstance(data, NDData): residual = deepcopy(data)[:] = self.make_residual_image(, psf_shape, include_localbkg=include_localbkg) else: unit = None if isinstance(data, u.Quantity): unit = data.unit data = data.value residual = self.make_model_image(data.shape, psf_shape, include_localbkg=include_localbkg) np.subtract(data, residual, out=residual) if unit is not None: residual <<= unit return residual
[docs] class IterativePSFPhotometry: """ Class to iteratively perform PSF photometry. This is a convenience class that iteratively calls the `PSFPhotometry` class to perform PSF photometry on an input image. It can be useful for crowded fields where faint stars are very close to bright stars and are not detected in the first pass of PSF photometry. For complex cases, one may need to manually run `PSFPhotometry` in an iterative manner and inspect the residual image after each iteration. Parameters ---------- psf_model : 2D `astropy.modeling.Model` The PSF model to fit to the data. The model must have parameters named ``x_0``, ``y_0``, and ``flux``, corresponding to the center (x, y) position and flux, or it must have 'x_name', 'y_name', and 'flux_name' attributes that map to the x, y, and flux parameters (i.e., a model output from `prepare_psf_model`). The model must be two-dimensional such that it accepts 2 inputs (e.g., x and y) and provides 1 output. fit_shape : int or length-2 array_like The rectangular shape around the center of a star that will be used to define the PSF-fitting data. If ``fit_shape`` is a scalar then a square shape of size ``fit_shape`` will be used. If ``fit_shape`` has two elements, they must be in ``(ny, nx)`` order. Each element of ``fit_shape`` must be an odd number. In general, ``fit_shape`` should be set to a small size (e.g., ``(5, 5)``) that covers the region with the highest flux signal-to-noise. finder : callable or `~photutils.detection.StarFinderBase` A callable used to identify stars in an image. The ``finder`` must accept a 2D image as input and return a `~astropy.table.Table` containing the x and y centroid positions. These positions are used as the starting points for the PSF fitting. The allowed ``x`` column names are (same suffix for ``y``): ``'x_init'``, ``'xinit'``, ``'xcentroid'``, ``'x_centroid'``, ``'x_peak'``, ``'x'``, ``'xcen'``, ``'x_cen'``, ``'xpos'``, ``'x_pos'``, ``'x_0'``, and ``'x0'``. If `None`, then the initial (x, y) model positions must be input using the ``init_params`` keyword when calling the class. The (x, y) values in ``init_params`` override this keyword *only for the first iteration*. grouper : `~photutils.psf.SourceGrouper` or callable or `None`, optional A callable used to group stars. Typically, grouped stars are those that overlap with their neighbors. Stars that are grouped are fit simultaneously. The ``grouper`` must accept the x and y coordinates of the sources and return an integer array of the group id numbers (starting from 1) indicating the group in which a given source belongs. If `None`, then no grouping is performed, i.e. each source is fit independently. The ``group_id`` values in ``init_params`` override this keyword *only for the first iteration*. A warning is raised if any group size is larger than 25 sources. fitter : `~astropy.modeling.fitting.Fitter`, optional The fitter object used to perform the fit of the model to the data. fitter_maxiters : int, optional The maximum number of iterations in which the ``fitter`` is called for each source. maxiters : int, optional The maximum number of PSF-fitting/subtraction iterations to perform. mode : {'new', 'all'}, optional For the 'new' mode, `PSFPhotometry` is run in each iteration only on the new sources detected in the residual image. For the 'all' mode, `PSFPhotometry` is run in each iteration on all the detected sources (from all previous iterations) on the original, unsubtracted, data. For the 'all' mode, a source ``grouper`` must be input. See the Notes section for more details. localbkg_estimator : `~photutils.background.LocalBackground` or `None`, optional The object used to estimate the local background around each source. If `None`, then no local background is subtracted. The ``local_bkg`` values in ``init_params`` override this keyword. This option should be used with care, especially in crowded fields where the ``fit_shape`` of sources overlap (see Notes below). aperture_radius : float, optional The radius of the circular aperture used to estimate the initial flux of each source. The ``flux_init`` values in ``init_params`` override this keyword *only for the first iteration*. sub_shape : `None`, int, or length-2 array_like The rectangular shape around the center of a star that will be used when subtracting the fitted PSF models. If ``sub_shape`` is a scalar then a square shape of size ``sub_shape`` will be used. If ``sub_shape`` has two elements, they must be in ``(ny, nx)`` order. Each element of ``sub_shape`` must be an odd number. If `None`, then ``sub_shape`` is set to ``fit_shape``. progress_bar : bool, optional Whether to display a progress bar when fitting the sources (or groups). The progress bar requires that the `tqdm <>`_ optional dependency be installed. Note that the progress bar does not currently work in the Jupyter console due to limitations in ``tqdm``. Notes ----- The local background value around each source is optionally estimated using the ``localbkg_estimator`` or obtained from the ``local_bkg`` column in the input ``init_params`` table. This local background is then subtracted from the data over the ``fit_shape`` region for each source before fitting the PSF model. For sources where their ``fit_shape`` regions overlap, the local background will effectively be subtracted twice in the overlapping ``fit_shape`` regions, even if the source ``grouper`` is input. This is not an issue if the sources are well-separated. However, for crowded fields, please use the ``localbkg_estimator`` (or ``local_bkg`` column in ``init_params``) with care. This class has two modes of operation: 'new' and 'all'. For both modes, `PSFPhotometry` is first run on the data, a residual image is created, and the source finder is run on the residual image to detect any new sources. In the 'new' mode, `PSFPhotometry` is then run on the residual image to fit the PSF model to the new sources. The process is repeated until no new sources are detected or a maximum number of iterations is reached. In the 'all' mode, a new source list combining the sources from first `PSFPhotometry` run and the new sources detected in the residual image is created. `PSFPhotometry` is then run on the original, unsubtracted, data with this combined source list. This allows the source ``grouper`` (which is required for the 'all' mode) to combine close sources to be fit simultaneously, improving the fit. Again, the process is repeated until no new sources are detected or a maximum number of iterations is reached. """ def __init__(self, psf_model, fit_shape, finder, *, grouper=None, fitter=LevMarLSQFitter(), fitter_maxiters=100, maxiters=3, mode='new', localbkg_estimator=None, aperture_radius=None, sub_shape=None, progress_bar=False): if finder is None: raise ValueError('finder cannot be None for ' 'IterativePSFPhotometry.') if aperture_radius is None: raise ValueError('aperture_radius cannot be None for ' 'IterativePSFPhotometry.') self.psfphot = PSFPhotometry(psf_model, fit_shape, finder=finder, grouper=grouper, fitter=fitter, fitter_maxiters=fitter_maxiters, localbkg_estimator=localbkg_estimator, aperture_radius=aperture_radius, progress_bar=progress_bar) self.maxiters = self._validate_maxiters(maxiters) if mode not in ['new', 'all']: raise ValueError('mode must be "new" or "all".') if mode == 'all' and grouper is None: raise ValueError('grouper must be input for the "all" mode.') self.mode = mode if sub_shape is None: sub_shape = fit_shape self.sub_shape = as_pair('sub_shape', sub_shape, lower_bound=(0, 1), check_odd=True) self.fit_results = [] @staticmethod def _validate_maxiters(maxiters): if (not np.isscalar(maxiters) or maxiters <= 0 or ~np.isfinite(maxiters)): raise ValueError('maxiters must be a strictly-positive scalar') if maxiters != int(maxiters): raise ValueError('maxiters must be an integer') return maxiters
[docs] def __call__(self, data, *, mask=None, error=None, init_params=None): """ Perform PSF photometry. Parameters ---------- data : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` The 2D array on which to perform photometry. Invalid data values (i.e., NaN or inf) are automatically masked. mask : 2D bool `~numpy.ndarray`, optional A boolean mask with the same shape as ``data``, where a `True` value indicates the corresponding element of ``data`` is masked. error : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`, optional The pixel-wise 1-sigma errors of the input ``data``. ``error`` is assumed to include *all* sources of error, including the Poisson error of the sources (see `~photutils.utils.calc_total_error`) . ``error`` must have the same shape as the input ``data``. If a `~astropy.units.Quantity` array, then ``data`` must also be a `~astropy.units.Quantity` array with the same units. init_params : `~astropy.table.Table` or `None`, optional A table containing the initial guesses of the (x, y, flux) model parameters for each source *only for the first iteration*. If the x and y values are not input, then the ``finder`` will be used for all iterations. If the flux values are not input, then the initial fluxes will be measured in using the ``aperture_radius`` keyword. The input flux values will be used for the first iteration only. The allowed column names are: * ``x_init``, ``xinit``, ``xcentroid``, ``x_centroid``, ``x_peak``, ``x``, ``xcen``, ``x_cen``, ``xpos``, ``x_pos``, ``x_0``, and ``x0``. * ``y_init``, ``yinit``, ``ycentroid``, ``y_centroid``, ``y_peak``, ``y``, ``ycen``, ``y_cen``, ``ypos``, ``y_pos``, and ``y_0``, and ``y0``. * ``flux_init``, ``flux``, ``source_sum``, ``segment_flux``, and ``kron_flux``. The parameter names are searched in the input table in the above order, stopping at the first match. Returns ------- table : `~astropy.table.QTable` An astropy table with the PSF-fitting results. The table will contain the following columns: * ``id`` : unique identification number for the source * ``group_id`` : unique identification number for the source group * ``iter_detected`` : the iteration number in which the source was detected * ``x_init``, ``x_fit``, ``x_err`` : the initial, fit, and error of the source x center * ``y_init``, ``y_fit``, ``y_err`` : the initial, fit, and error of the source y center * ``flux_init``, ``flux_fit``, ``flux_err`` : the initial, fit, and error of the source flux * ``npixfit`` : the number of unmasked pixels used to fit the source * ``group_size`` : the total number of sources that were simultaneously fit along with the given source * ``qfit`` : a quality-of-fit metric defined as the absolute value of the sum of the fit residuals divided by the fit flux * ``cfit`` : a quality-of-fit metric defined as the fit residual in the central pixel divided by the fit flux * ``flags`` : bitwise flag values: * 1 : one or more pixels in the ``fit_shape`` region were masked * 2 : the fit x and/or y position lies outside of the input data * 4 : the fit flux is less than or equal to zero * 8 : the fitter may not have converged * 16 : the fitter parameter covariance matrix was not returned """ phot_tbl = self.psfphot(data, mask=mask, error=error, init_params=init_params) self.fit_results.append(deepcopy(self.psfphot)) if phot_tbl is None: return None phot_tbl['iter_detected'] = 1 iter_detected = np.ones(len(phot_tbl), dtype=int) iter_num = 2 while iter_num <= self.maxiters and phot_tbl is not None: if iter_num == 2: residual_data = self.psfphot.make_residual_image( data, self.sub_shape) else: residual_data = self.psfphot.make_residual_image( residual_data, self.sub_shape) # do not warn if no sources are found beyond the first iteration with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', NoDetectionsWarning) new_sources = self.psfphot.finder(residual_data, mask=mask) if new_sources is None: # no new sources detected break xcol = self.psfphot._init_colnames['x'] ycol = self.psfphot._init_colnames['y'] new_sources = new_sources['xcentroid', 'ycentroid'] new_sources.rename_column('xcentroid', xcol) new_sources.rename_column('ycentroid', ycol) iter_det = np.ones(len(new_sources), dtype=int) * iter_num iter_detected = np.concatenate((iter_detected, iter_det)) if self.mode == 'all': # measure initial fluxes for the new sources from the # residual data flux = self.psfphot._get_aper_fluxes(residual_data, mask, new_sources) unit = getattr(data, 'unit', None) if unit is not None: flux <<= unit fluxcol = self.psfphot._init_colnames['flux'] new_sources[fluxcol] = flux # combine source tables and re-fit on the original data orig_sources = phot_tbl['x_fit', 'y_fit', 'flux_fit'] orig_sources.rename_column('x_fit', xcol) orig_sources.rename_column('y_fit', ycol) orig_sources.rename_column('flux_fit', fluxcol) init_params = vstack([orig_sources, new_sources]) residual_data = data elif self.mode == 'new': # fit new sources on the residual data init_params = new_sources new_tbl = self.psfphot(residual_data, mask=mask, error=error, init_params=init_params) self.psfphot.finder_results = new_sources self.fit_results.append(deepcopy(self.psfphot)) if self.mode == 'all': new_tbl['iter_detected'] = iter_detected phot_tbl = new_tbl elif self.mode == 'new': # combine tables new_tbl['iter_detected'] = iter_num new_tbl['id'] += np.max(phot_tbl['id']) new_tbl['group_id'] += np.max(phot_tbl['group_id']) new_tbl.meta = {} # prevent merge conflicts phot_tbl = vstack([phot_tbl, new_tbl]) iter_num += 1 # re-order 'iter_detected' column if 'iter_detected' in phot_tbl.colnames: colnames = phot_tbl.colnames.copy() colnames.insert(2, 'iter_detected') colnames = colnames[:-1] phot_tbl = phot_tbl[colnames] return phot_tbl
[docs] def make_model_image(self, shape, psf_shape): """ Create a 2D image from the fit PSF models and local background. Parameters ---------- shape : 2 tuple of int The shape of the output array. psf_shape : 2 tuple of int The shape of region around the center of the fit model to render in the output image. Returns ------- array : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` The rendered image from the fit PSF models. """ if self.mode == 'new': # collect the fit models and local backgrounds from each # iteration fit_models = [] local_bkgs = [] for psfphot in self.fit_results: fit_models.append(psfphot._fit_models) local_bkgs.append(psfphot.fit_results['local_bkg']) fit_models = _flatten(fit_models) local_bkgs = _flatten(local_bkgs) else: # use only the fit models and local backgrounds from the # final iteration, which includes all sources fit_models = self.fit_results[-1]._fit_models local_bkgs = self.fit_results[-1].fit_results['local_bkg'] data = np.zeros(shape) xname, yname = self.fit_results[0]._psf_param_names[0:2] if self.psfphot.progress_bar: # pragma: no cover desc = 'Model image' fit_models = add_progress_bar(fit_models, desc=desc) # fit_models must be a list of individual, not grouped, PSF # models, i.e., there should be one PSF model (which may be # compound) for each source for fit_model, local_bkg in zip(fit_models, local_bkgs): x0 = getattr(fit_model, xname).value y0 = getattr(fit_model, yname).value try: slc_lg, _ = overlap_slices(shape, psf_shape, (y0, x0), mode='trim') except NoOverlapError: continue yy, xx = np.mgrid[slc_lg] data[slc_lg] += (fit_model(xx, yy) + local_bkg) return data
[docs] def make_residual_image(self, data, psf_shape): """ Create a 2D residual image from the fit PSF models and local background. Parameters ---------- data : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` The 2D array on which photometry was performed. This should be the same array input when calling the PSF-photometry class. psf_shape : 2 tuple of int The shape of region around the center of the fit model to subtract. Returns ------- array : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` The residual image of the ``data`` minus the ``local_bkg`` minus the fit PSF models. """ if isinstance(data, NDData): residual = deepcopy(data)[:] = self.make_residual_image(, psf_shape) else: unit = None if isinstance(data, u.Quantity): unit = data.unit data = data.value residual = -self.make_model_image(data.shape, psf_shape) residual += data if unit is not None: residual <<= unit return residual
def _flatten(iterable): """ Flatten a list of lists. """ return list(chain.from_iterable(iterable))