
class photutils.psf.IterativePSFPhotometry(psf_model, fit_shape, finder, *, grouper=None, fitter=<astropy.modeling.fitting.LevMarLSQFitter object>, fitter_maxiters=100, maxiters=3, mode='new', localbkg_estimator=None, aperture_radius=None, sub_shape=None, progress_bar=False)[source]

Bases: object

Class to iteratively perform PSF photometry.

This is a convenience class that iteratively calls the PSFPhotometry class to perform PSF photometry on an input image. It can be useful for crowded fields where faint stars are very close to bright stars and are not detected in the first pass of PSF photometry. For complex cases, one may need to manually run PSFPhotometry in an iterative manner and inspect the residual image after each iteration.

psf_model2D astropy.modeling.Model

The PSF model to fit to the data. The model must have parameters named x_0, y_0, and flux, corresponding to the center (x, y) position and flux, or it must have ‘x_name’, ‘y_name’, and ‘flux_name’ attributes that map to the x, y, and flux parameters (i.e., a model output from prepare_psf_model). The model must be two-dimensional such that it accepts 2 inputs (e.g., x and y) and provides 1 output.

fit_shapeint or length-2 array_like

The rectangular shape around the center of a star that will be used to define the PSF-fitting data. If fit_shape is a scalar then a square shape of size fit_shape will be used. If fit_shape has two elements, they must be in (ny, nx) order. Each element of fit_shape must be an odd number. In general, fit_shape should be set to a small size (e.g., (5, 5)) that covers the region with the highest flux signal-to-noise.

findercallable or StarFinderBase

A callable used to identify stars in an image. The finder must accept a 2D image as input and return a Table containing the x and y centroid positions. These positions are used as the starting points for the PSF fitting. The allowed x column names are (same suffix for y): 'x_init', 'xinit', 'xcentroid', 'x_centroid', 'x_peak', 'x', 'xcen', 'x_cen', 'xpos', 'x_pos', 'x_0', and 'x0'. If None, then the initial (x, y) model positions must be input using the init_params keyword when calling the class. The (x, y) values in init_params override this keyword only for the first iteration.

grouperSourceGrouper or callable or None, optional

A callable used to group stars. Typically, grouped stars are those that overlap with their neighbors. Stars that are grouped are fit simultaneously. The grouper must accept the x and y coordinates of the sources and return an integer array of the group id numbers (starting from 1) indicating the group in which a given source belongs. If None, then no grouping is performed, i.e. each source is fit independently. The group_id values in init_params override this keyword only for the first iteration. A warning is raised if any group size is larger than 25 sources.

fitterFitter, optional

The fitter object used to perform the fit of the model to the data.

fitter_maxitersint, optional

The maximum number of iterations in which the fitter is called for each source.

maxitersint, optional

The maximum number of PSF-fitting/subtraction iterations to perform.

mode{‘new’, ‘all’}, optional

For the ‘new’ mode, PSFPhotometry is run in each iteration only on the new sources detected in the residual image. For the ‘all’ mode, PSFPhotometry is run in each iteration on all the detected sources (from all previous iterations) on the original, unsubtracted, data. For the ‘all’ mode, a source grouper must be input. See the Notes section for more details.

localbkg_estimatorLocalBackground or None, optional

The object used to estimate the local background around each source. If None, then no local background is subtracted. The local_bkg values in init_params override this keyword. This option should be used with care, especially in crowded fields where the fit_shape of sources overlap (see Notes below).

aperture_radiusfloat, optional

The radius of the circular aperture used to estimate the initial flux of each source. The flux_init values in init_params override this keyword only for the first iteration.

sub_shapeNone, int, or length-2 array_like

The rectangular shape around the center of a star that will be used when subtracting the fitted PSF models. If sub_shape is a scalar then a square shape of size sub_shape will be used. If sub_shape has two elements, they must be in (ny, nx) order. Each element of sub_shape must be an odd number. If None, then sub_shape is set to fit_shape.

progress_barbool, optional

Whether to display a progress bar when fitting the sources (or groups). The progress bar requires that the tqdm optional dependency be installed. Note that the progress bar does not currently work in the Jupyter console due to limitations in tqdm.


The local background value around each source is optionally estimated using the localbkg_estimator or obtained from the local_bkg column in the input init_params table. This local background is then subtracted from the data over the fit_shape region for each source before fitting the PSF model. For sources where their fit_shape regions overlap, the local background will effectively be subtracted twice in the overlapping fit_shape regions, even if the source grouper is input. This is not an issue if the sources are well-separated. However, for crowded fields, please use the localbkg_estimator (or local_bkg column in init_params) with care.

This class has two modes of operation: ‘new’ and ‘all’. For both modes, PSFPhotometry is first run on the data, a residual image is created, and the source finder is run on the residual image to detect any new sources.

In the ‘new’ mode, PSFPhotometry is then run on the residual image to fit the PSF model to the new sources. The process is repeated until no new sources are detected or a maximum number of iterations is reached.

In the ‘all’ mode, a new source list combining the sources from first PSFPhotometry run and the new sources detected in the residual image is created. PSFPhotometry is then run on the original, unsubtracted, data with this combined source list. This allows the source grouper (which is required for the ‘all’ mode) to combine close sources to be fit simultaneously, improving the fit. Again, the process is repeated until no new sources are detected or a maximum number of iterations is reached.

Methods Summary

__call__(data, *[, mask, error, init_params])

Perform PSF photometry.

make_model_image(shape, psf_shape)

Create a 2D image from the fit PSF models and local background.

make_residual_image(data, psf_shape)

Create a 2D residual image from the fit PSF models and local background.

Methods Documentation

__call__(data, *, mask=None, error=None, init_params=None)[source]

Perform PSF photometry.

data2D ndarray

The 2D array on which to perform photometry. Invalid data values (i.e., NaN or inf) are automatically masked.

mask2D bool ndarray, optional

A boolean mask with the same shape as data, where a True value indicates the corresponding element of data is masked.

error2D ndarray, optional

The pixel-wise 1-sigma errors of the input data. error is assumed to include all sources of error, including the Poisson error of the sources (see calc_total_error) . error must have the same shape as the input data. If a Quantity array, then data must also be a Quantity array with the same units.

init_paramsTable or None, optional

A table containing the initial guesses of the (x, y, flux) model parameters for each source only for the first iteration. If the x and y values are not input, then the finder will be used for all iterations. If the flux values are not input, then the initial fluxes will be measured in using the aperture_radius keyword. The input flux values will be used for the first iteration only. The allowed column names are:

  • x_init, xinit, xcentroid, x_centroid, x_peak, x, xcen, x_cen, xpos, x_pos, x_0, and x0.

  • y_init, yinit, ycentroid, y_centroid, y_peak, y, ycen, y_cen, ypos, y_pos, and y_0, and y0.

  • flux_init, flux, source_sum, segment_flux, and kron_flux.

The parameter names are searched in the input table in the above order, stopping at the first match.


An astropy table with the PSF-fitting results. The table will contain the following columns:

  • id : unique identification number for the source

  • group_id : unique identification number for the source group

  • iter_detected : the iteration number in which the source was detected

  • x_init, x_fit, x_err : the initial, fit, and error of the source x center

  • y_init, y_fit, y_err : the initial, fit, and error of the source y center

  • flux_init, flux_fit, flux_err : the initial, fit, and error of the source flux

  • npixfit : the number of unmasked pixels used to fit the source

  • group_size : the total number of sources that were simultaneously fit along with the given source

  • qfit : a quality-of-fit metric defined as the absolute value of the sum of the fit residuals divided by the fit flux

  • cfit : a quality-of-fit metric defined as the fit residual in the central pixel divided by the fit flux

  • flagsbitwise flag values:
    • 1 : one or more pixels in the fit_shape region were masked

    • 2 : the fit x and/or y position lies outside of the input data

    • 4 : the fit flux is less than or equal to zero

    • 8 : the fitter may not have converged

    • 16 : the fitter parameter covariance matrix was not returned

make_model_image(shape, psf_shape)[source]

Create a 2D image from the fit PSF models and local background.

shape2 tuple of int

The shape of the output array.

psf_shape2 tuple of int

The shape of region around the center of the fit model to render in the output image.

array2D ndarray

The rendered image from the fit PSF models.

make_residual_image(data, psf_shape)[source]

Create a 2D residual image from the fit PSF models and local background.

data2D ndarray

The 2D array on which photometry was performed. This should be the same array input when calling the PSF-photometry class.

psf_shape2 tuple of int

The shape of region around the center of the fit model to subtract.

array2D ndarray

The residual image of the data minus the local_bkg minus the fit PSF models.